Verse. 2327

١٩ - مَرْيَم

19 - Maryam

اَفَرَءَيْتَ الَّذِيْ كَفَرَ بِاٰيٰتِنَا وَقَالَ لَاُوْتَيَنَّ مَالًا وَّوَلَدًا۝۷۷ۭ
Afaraayta allathee kafara biayatina waqala laootayanna malan wawaladan


Ahmed Ali

Have you seen him who denies Our revelations, and says: "I will certainly be given wealth and children."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in our revelations) in muhammad (pbuh) and in the qur'an, i.e. al-'as ibn wa'il al-sahmi (and saith: assuredly i shall be given wealth and children) if what muhammad (pbuh) say about the hereafter is true, then i shall be given wealth and children!

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : have you seen him who disbelieves in our signs, namely, al-‘Ās b. wā’il, and says, to khabbāb b. al-aratt — who had said to him, ‘you will be resurrected after death!’, and who had requested from him repayment of money — ‘i shall assuredly be given, on the supposition that there is [such a thing as] resurrection, wealth and children?’, and so i will repay you [then]. god, exalted be he, says:

Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi

تفسير : (hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in our revelations…) [19:77]. abu ishaq al-tha'alibi informed us> 'abd allah ibn humayd> makki ibn 'abdan> 'abd allah ibn hashim> abu mu'awiyah> al-a'mash> abu'l-duha> masruq> khabbab ibn al-aratt who said: “i had a debt with al-'as ibn wa'il and i went to settle it with him. he said: 'by allah, i will not pay you until you disbelieve in muhammad'. i said: 'no, by allah, i will not disbelieve in muhammad until you die and be resurrected'. he said: 'in that case, when i die and am resurrected i will have children and wealth and i will be able to pay you'. and so allah, exalted is he, revealed this verse”. abu nasr ahmad ibn ibrahim informed us> 'abd allah ibn muhammad al-zahid> al-baghawi> abu khaythamah> 'ali ibn muslim> waki'> al-a'mash abu'l-duha> masruq> khabbab who said: “i used to be a blacksmith and i had an unpaid debt with al-'as ibn wa'il and so i went to him to ask for it to be paid. he said to me: 'i will not pay you until you disbelieve in muhammad, peace be upon him'. i said: 'i will not disbelieve in him until you die and be resurrected'. he said: 'will i be resurrected after death? in that case, i will pay you back when i return to my wealth [after the resurrection]'. this verse was then revealed (hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in our revelations and saith: assuredly i shall be given wealth and children?)”. this was narrated by bukhari from al-humaydi from sufyan and also by muslim from al-ashajj from waki'; both waki' and sufyan related it from al-a'mash. al-kalbi and muqatil said: “khabbab ibn al-aratt used to be a blacksmith working for al-'as ibn wa'il al-sahmi who used to delay his payment. one day, khabbab went to him to ask him for his payment when al-'as said to him: 'i do not have anything today to pay you with'. khabbab said: 'i am not leaving until you pay me'. al-'as retorted: 'o khabbab, what is wrong with you? you did not use to be like this; you used to ask nicely for your payment'. khabbab said: 'that was because i was following your religion, as for now i have a different religion: i follow islam'. al-'as said: 'do you not claim that there is gold, silver and silk in the garden?' khabbab said: 'indeed!' al-'as said: 'then wait for me until i pay you in the garden', he said this mockingly 'by allah, if what you say is true, i will have a better share of it than you', and so allah, exalted is he, revealed (hast thou seen him who disbelieveth in our revelations) meaning: al-'as”.