Verse. 2366

٢٠ - طه

20 - Ta-Ha

قَالَ ہِىَ عَصَايَ۝۰ۚ اَتَـوَكَّؤُا عَلَيْہَا وَاَہُشُّ بِہَا عَلٰي غَنَمِيْ وَلِيَ فِيْہَا مَاٰرِبُ اُخْرٰى۝۱۸
Qala hiya AAasaya atawakkao AAalayha waahushshu biha AAala ghanamee waliya feeha maaribu okhra


Ahmed Ali

"It's my staff," he answered; "I lean on it, and fell leaves for my goats with it, and I have other uses for it."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : he said: this is my staff whereon i lean) when i am tired, (and wherewith i beat down branches for my sheep, and wherein i find other uses) different other uses.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : he said, ‘it is my staff. i lean, i support myself, upon it, when i leap [across something] or walk, and i beat down [leaves], i strike the leaves on trees, with it, so that they fall, for my sheep, which then consume them; and i have uses for it (ma’ārib, ‘uses’, is the plural of ma’ruba, with the rā’ taking any [one] of the three vowels [sc. ma’ruba, ma’raba or ma’riba] meaning ‘needs’) in other ways, such as [using it] to carry food supplies and waterskins, as well as to drive away [undesirable] animals. he [moses] gives an extensive response to indicate his [many] needs for it.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …i also have other uses for it. the first one to own the staff was adam. it came from a myrtle tree in paradise. then it was passed down from prophet to prophet until it came to shuʿayb. subsequently, when [shuʿayb] gave moses his daughter in marriage, he presented the staff to him. moses <img border="0" src="images/alyhialsalam.jpg" width="34" height="19"> used to lean on it, drive his sheep with it, scatter leaves for his sheep with it; then he would take from the tree whatever he wanted with it, and he would send it after lions, wild beasts and the vermin of the earth and it would strike them. if the heat became intense, he would stick it in the ground upright and it would provide shade. when he slept, it would guard over him until he awoke, and if the night was pitch dark, it would light up for him like a torch. when it was a cloudy day and he could not tell the time for prayer, it would give off rays from one of its sides. if he became hungry he would plant it in the earth and it would bear fruit immediately. these were the uses of his staff. moses <img border="0" src="images/alyhialsalam.jpg" width="34" height="19"> mentioned the benefits and uses of the staff that had appeared to him, but god, exalted is he, intended [to draw his attention to] uses and benefits [of the staff] that were, as yet, hidden from him, such as its turning into a snake, or [moses’] striking the rock with it so that the springs gushed forth from it, or his striking the sea with it, and other such uses. it was through this that he showed him that the knowledge of people, even when they are supportedby prophecy (nubuwwa), is deficient when compared to god’s knowledge regarding the universe of created things.his words, exalted is he: