Verse. 2500

٢١ - ٱلْأَنْبِيَاء

21 - Al-Anbiya

لَـوْ اَرَدْنَاۗ اَنْ نَّتَّخِذَ لَہْوًا لَّاتَّخَذْنٰہُ مِنْ لَّدُنَّاۗ۝۰ۤۖ اِنْ كُنَّا فٰعِلِيْنَ۝۱۷
Law aradna an nattakhitha lahwan laittakhathnahu min ladunna in kunna faAAileena


Ahmed Ali

If We had pleased to make a plaything We could have made it Ourself, if We had cared to do so.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : then allah revealed the following, when they said that the angels are allah's daughters: (if we had wished to find a pastime) if we wished to have daughters; and it is said that this means: if we wished to have a wife; and it is also said that this means: if we wished to have children, (we could have found it in our presence) from us from among the maidens of paradise (if we ever did) and we will never do this.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : had we desired to find some diversion, that which provides diversion, in the way of a partner or a child, we would have found it with ourselves, from among the beautiful-eyed houris or angels, were we to do [so]. but we did not do so, thus we never desired it.