Illa man khatifa alkhatfata faatbaAAahu shihabun thaqibun
Ahmed Ali
Except those who eavesdrop and are pursued by a shooting flame.
'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī
تفسير : (save him who snatcheth a fragment) save him who snatches a little of the words of the angels, (and there pursueth him a piercing flame) and is chased by a bright star which burns him.
Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī
تفسير : except him who snatches a fragment (al-khatfa is the verbal noun, that is to say, ‘[that] one time’; the exceptive clause refers to the subject [of the verb] yasma‘ūna, in other words, ‘the only devil that is able to listen is the one that hears a word from the angels and snatches it away quickly’) and who is then pursued by a piercing flame (shihāb is a meteor) that pierces him, or burns him or robs him of his senses.