Verse. 3913

٣٧ - ٱلصَّافَّات

37 - As-Saffat

اَتَدْعُوْنَ بَعْلًا وَّتَذَرُوْنَ اَحْسَنَ الْخَالِقِيْنَ۝۱۲۵ۙ
AtadAAoona baAAlan watatharoona ahsana alkhaliqeena


Ahmed Ali

Would you call on Baal and leave the best of creators,



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (will ye cry unto baal) will you worship other deities beside allah; it is also said that this means: will you worship a bull instead of worshipping allah; it is also said that his people had an idol called baal which was 30 cubits tall and had four faces (and forsake the best of creators) and forsake the worship of the greatest of creators, such that you do not worship him at all,

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : do you call on baal — this was the name of an idol of theirs which was made of gold, from which the name of their city derives, with the addition of [the suffix] bak — that is to say, do you worship him, and abandon the best of creators, and not worship him,