Verse. 4601

٤٨ - ٱلْفَتْح

48 - Al-Fath

لَقَدْ رَضِيَ اللہُ عَنِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ اِذْ يُبَايِعُوْنَكَ تَحْتَ الشَّجَرَۃِ فَعَلِمَ مَا فِيْ قُلُوْبِہِمْ فَاَنْزَلَ السَّكِيْنَۃَ عَلَيْہِمْ وَاَثَابَہُمْ فَتْحًا قَرِيْبًا۝۱۸ۙ
Laqad radiya Allahu AAani almumineena ith yubayiAAoonaka tahta alshshajarati faAAalima ma fee quloobihim faanzala alsakeenata AAalayhim waathabahum fathan qareeban


Ahmed Ali

God was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, for He knew well what was in their hearts, and sent down tranquility on them, and rewarded them with an expeditious victory



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : allah then mentioned his pleasure with those who swore allegiance at the pledge of ridwan, saying: (allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance unto thee beneath the tree) when they swore allegiance to you at al-hudaybiyyah under the samurah tree; they were about 1,500 men who swore allegiance to assist and defend the prophet and to remain in fighting, if need be, till death, (and he knew what was in their hearts) of truthfulness and loyalty, (and he) allah exalted is he (sent down peace of reassurance) tranquillity (on them) and removed zealotry from them, (and hath rewarded them) after this (with a near victory) the conquest of khaybar, soon after that;

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : verily god was pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you, at al-hudaybiyya, under the tree, this was an acacia — they [these believers] numbered 1300 or more; he took an oath of allegiance from them that they would fight against quraysh and not [attempt to] flee from death. and he, god, knew what was in their hearts, of sincerity and loyalty, so he sent down the spirit of peace upon them, and rewarded them with a near victory, which was the conquest of khaybar, following their departure from al-hudaybiyya,