Verse. 4609

٤٨ - ٱلْفَتْح

48 - Al-Fath

اِذْ جَعَلَ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا فِيْ قُلُوْبِہِمُ الْحَمِيَّۃَ حَمِيَّۃَ الْجَاہِلِيَّۃِ فَاَنْزَلَ اللہُ سَكِيْنَتَہٗ عَلٰي رَسُوْلِہٖ وَعَلَي الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَاَلْزَمَہُمْ كَلِمَۃَ التَّقْوٰى وَ كَانُوْۗا اَحَقَّ بِہَا وَاَہْلَہَا۝۰ۭ وَكَانَ اللہُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِــيْمًا۝۲۶ۧ
Ith jaAAala allatheena kafaroo fee quloobihimu alhamiyyata hamiyyata aljahiliyyati faanzala Allahu sakeenatahu AAala rasoolihi waAAala almumineena waalzamahum kalimata alttaqwa wakanoo ahaqqa biha waahlaha wakana Allahu bikulli shayin AAaleeman


Ahmed Ali

When the unbelievers fostered a sense of honour in their hearts, a sense of pagan honour, God sent down a sense of tranquility on His Apostle and the believers, and obliged them to an act of self-restraint, for they were deserving and worthy of it. God is cognisant of everything.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (when those who disbelieve) the disbelievers of mecca (had set up in their hearts zealotry, the zealotry of the age of ignorance) by preventing the messenger of allah (pbuh) and his companions from the house, (then allah sent down his peace of reassurance) his tranquillity (upon his messenger and upon the believers) and removed zealotry from them (and imposed on them) and inspired them with (the word of self restraint) “there is no deity save allah and muhammad is the messenger of allah”, (for they were worthy of it) they were worthy of “there is no deity save allah and muhammad is the messenger of allah”, as it was in allah's beginninglessly eternal knowledge (and meet for it) in the life of this world. (and allah is aware of all things) regarding honouring the believers.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : when those who disbelieve (alladhīna kafarū is the subject [of the following verb ja‘ala]) nourished (idh ja‘ala is semantically connected to ‘adhdhabnā) in their hearts zealotry (al-hamiyya, [means] ‘disdain of something’), the zealotry of pagandom (hamiyyata’l-jāhiliyyati substitutes for al-hamiyyata, ‘zealotry’), namely, their barring of the prophet and his companions from [visiting] the sacred mosque, [but] then god sent down his spirit of peace upon his messenger and the believers, and so they [the disbelievers] made a truce with them on the condition that they [the believers] would [be allowed to] return the following year, and [such] zealotry would not overcome them [the believers] as it did the disbelievers [then] until they would come to fight them [later], and he made them, the believers, abide by the word of god-fearing (kalimata’l-taqwā): ‘there is no god except god, [and] muhammad is his messenger’ (it [kalima, ‘word’] is annexed to al-taqwā because it is the cause of it), for they were worthier of it, of the word, than the disbelievers, and deserving of it (wa-ahlahā is an explanatory supplement). and god is ever knower of all things, that is to say, he is ever possessed of such an attribute, and among the things he knows is that they are worthy of it.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …and made binding on them the promise to be mindful [of him], for they were more worthy and deserving of it… he said:[the promise to be mindful of god (kalimat al-taqwā)] is saying: ‘there is no god except god (lā ilāha illā’llāh), for truly it is the summit of mindfulness of god.then he said:the best among people are the muslims, the best among muslims are the believers, the best among believers are the scholars who act upon their knowledge, the best among those who act [upon their knowledge] are the fearful (khāʾifūn), and the best among the fearful are the sincere ones who are fully aware of god (al-mukhliṣūn al-muttaqūn), whose sincerity and awareness of god remains with them up until their death. indeed, the likeness of these [latter] is that of a passenger on board a ship at sea. he does not know whether he will be saved from [the sea] or drown in it. those for whom this was true were the companions of the messenger of god <img border="0" src="images/salatonmassenger.jpg" width="24" height="22"> according to his words: and made binding on them the promise to be mindful of him.his words: