Verse. 4642

٥٠ - ق

50 - Qaf

كَذَّبَتْ قَبْلَہُمْ قَوْمُ نُوْحٍ وَّاَصْحٰبُ الرَّسِّ وَثَمُوْدُ۝۱۲ۙ
Kaththabat qablahum qawmu noohin waashabu alrrassi wathamoodu


Ahmed Ali

The people of Noah, Ar-Rass and Thamud denied before you,



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (the folk of noah denied) denied noah (before them) before your folk, o muhammad, (and (so did) the dwellers at al-rass) al-rass is a well close to al-yamamah; the dwellers of al-rass are the people of shu'ayb who denied shu'ayb (and (the tribe of) thamud) the people of salih,

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : the people of noah denied before them (kadhdhabat has a feminine person inflection because of the [feminine gender of the] import of qawm, ‘people’) and [so did] the dwellers at al-rass — this was the name of a well around which they dwelt together with their livestock; they worshipped idols, and it is said that their prophet was one hanzala b. safwān; but some say that he was some other [person] — and thamūd, the people of sālih,

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …as did the dwellers at al-rass…that is, the well. and al-ayka [50:14] is a wood. in its inner meaning, the people of rass are the people of ignorance, and the dwellers in the wood [50:14] are the pursuers of lusts.his words, exalted is he: