Verse. 4715

٥١ - ٱلذَّارِيَات

51 - Adh-Dhariyat

فَاَخَذْنٰہُ وَجُنُوْدَہٗ فَنَبَذْنٰہُمْ فِي الْيَمِّ وَہُوَمُلِيْمٌ۝۴۰ۭ
Faakhathnahu wajunoodahu fanabathnahum fee alyammi wahuwa muleemun


Ahmed Ali

So We seized him and his armies, and threw them into the sea, for he was worthy of blame.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (so we seized him and his hosts and flung them) and drowned them (in the sea, for he was reprobate) blameworthy in the sight of allah, and he will also blame himself.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : so we seized him and his hosts and cast, flung, them into the waters, the sea, and so they drowned, for he, that is, pharaoh, was blameworthy, guilty of what is blameworthy, such as denying the messengers and claiming divinity.