Verse. 4718

٥١ - ٱلذَّارِيَات

51 - Adh-Dhariyat

وَفِيْ ثَمُوْدَ اِذْ قِيْلَ لَہُمْ تَمَتَّعُوْا حَتّٰى حِيْنٍ۝۴۳
Wafee thamooda ith qeela lahum tamattaAAoo hatta heenin


Ahmed Ali

And in Thamud, when We said to them: "Enjoy yourselves for a while;"



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and in (the tribe of) thamud) the folk of salih ((there is a portent) when it was told them) salih told them after they hamstrung the she-camel: (take your ease awhile) enjoy your life until the advent of the chastisement.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and [also] in, the destruction of, thamūd, was a sign, when it was said to them, after the hamstringing of the she-camel, ‘enjoy [yourselves] for a while!’, until the end of your terms [of life] — as stated in the [other] verse, ‘enjoy [yourselves] in your dwellings for three days’ [q.11:65].