Verse. 4998

٥٦ - ٱلْوَاقِعَة

56 - Al-Waqi'a

لَّا يُصَدَّعُوْنَ عَنْہَا وَلَا يُنْزِفُوْنَ۝۱۹ۙ
La yusaddaAAoona AAanha wala yunzifoona


Ahmed Ali

Unheady, uninebriating;



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (wherefrom they get no aching of the head) from drinking (nor any madness) nor get intoxicated; it is also said that this means, according to another reading: their drinking is continuous,

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : wherefrom they suffer no headache nor any stupefaction (read yanzafūna or yanzifūna, [respectively derived] from nazafa or anzafa al-shāribu, ‘the drinker became inebriated’), in other words, they do not get a headache from it nor do they lose their senses, in contrast to [the case with] the wine of this world;