Verse. 5026

٥٦ - ٱلْوَاقِعَة

56 - Al-Waqi'a

وَكَانُوْا يَقُوْلُوْنَ۝۰ۥۙ اَىِٕذَا مِتْنَا وَكُنَّا تُرَابًا وَّعِظَامًا ءَ اِنَّا لَمَبْعُوْثُوْنَ۝۴۷ۙ
Wakanoo yaqooloona aitha mitna wakunna turaban waAAithaman ainna lamabAAoothoona


Ahmed Ali

And said: "What! When we are dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we then be raised again?



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and they used to say) in the life of the world: (when we are dead and have come) scattered (dust and) rotten (bones, shall we then, forsooth, be raised again) shall we then be given life again,

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and they used to say, ‘what! when we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we indeed be resurrected? (in both instances [a-idhā and a-innā] the two hamzas may be read either by pronouncing them fully, or by not pronouncing the second, and in either case inserting an intervening alif).