Verse. 5081

٥٧ - ٱلْحَدِيد

57 - Al-Hadeed

يُوْلِجُ الَّيْلَ فِي النَّہَارِ وَيُوْلِجُ النَّہَارَ فِي الَّيْلِ۝۰ۭ وَہُوَ عَلِيْمٌۢ بِذَاتِ الصُّدُوْرِ۝۶
Yooliju allayla fee alnnahari wayooliju alnnahara fee allayi wahuwa AAaleemun bithati alssudoori


Ahmed Ali

He turns night into day, and turns day into night; and He knows whatsoever is in your hearts.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (he causeth the night to pass into) and increase in duration over (the day, and he causeth the day to pass into) and increase in duration over (the night, and he is knower of all that is in the breasts) he knows what is in the hearts of good and evil.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : he makes the night pass into, he makes it enter, the day, so that it increases while the night diminishes, and makes the day pass into the night, so that it increases while the day diminishes. and he is knower of what is in the breasts, of what it contains of secrets and convictions.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : he makes the night pass into the day…he said:the inner meaning of the verse is that the night is the natural self (nafs al-ṭabʿ) and the day is the spiritual self (nafs al-rūḥ). if god, exalted is he, wishes good for his servant, he reconciles and brings together his natural self and his spiritual self through the perpetuation of [his] remembrance (dhikr), and makes this manifest in the corresponding lights of humble submission(khushūʿ) [to god]. his words, exalted is he: