Verse. 5142

٥٩ - ٱلْحَشْر

59 - Al-Hashr

كَمَثَلِ الشَّيْطٰنِ اِذْ قَالَ لِلْاِنْسَانِ اكْفُرْ۝۰ۚ فَلَمَّا كَفَرَ قَالَ اِنِّىْ بَرِيْۗءٌ مِّنْكَ اِنِّىْۗ اَخَافُ اللہَ رَبَّ الْعٰلَمِيْنَ۝۱۶
Kamathali alshshaytani ith qala lilinsani okfur falamma kafara qala innee bareeon minka innee akhafu Allaha rabba alAAalameena


Ahmed Ali

(They are) like Satan who says to man: "Do not believe;" and when he becomes a disbeliever, he says: "I have nothing to do with you. I fear God, the Lord of all the worlds."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : ((and the hypocrites) with the banu qurayzah upon failing them ((are) on the likeness of the devil) with the monk (when he telleth man) the monk barsisa (to disbelieve) in allah, (then, when he disbelieveth) he lets him down and (says: lo! i am quit of thee) and of your religion. (lo! i fear allah, the lord of the worlds.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : in addition, their likeness in heeding the [words of the] hypocrites and their forsaking of them is, like satan when he says to man, ‘disbelieve!’; so that when he [man] disbelieves, he says, ‘lo! i am absolved of you. indeed i fear god, the lord of the worlds’, out of mendacity and dissimulation on his part.