Verse. 5322

٦٨ - ٱلْقَلَم

68 - Al-Qalam

وَاِنْ يَّكَادُ الَّذِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا لَيُزْلِقُوْنَكَ بِاَبْصَارِہِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّكْرَ وَيَقُوْلُوْنَ اِنَّہٗ لَمَجْنُوْنٌ۝۵۱ۘ
Wain yakadu allatheena kafaroo layuzliqoonaka biabsarihim lamma samiAAoo alththikra wayaqooloona innahu lamajnoonun


Ahmed Ali

But the unbelievers would like to stare you out of balance when they hear the warning, and say: "Surely he is possessed;"



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and lo! those who disbelieve) the disbelievers of mecca (would fain disconcert thee) would kill you (with their eyes) and it is said this means: they would give you the evil eye (when they hear the reminder) when they hear you recite the qur'an, (and they) i.e. the people of mecca (say: lo! he is) i.e. muhammad (indeed mad) bewitched;

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : indeed those who disbelieve would almost throw you down [to the ground] (read la-yuzliqūnaka or la-yazliqūnaka) with their looks, looking at you in a severe way, almost hurling you to the ground or making you fall from your place, when they hear the reminder, the qur’ān, and they say, out of envy: ‘he is truly a madman!’, on account of the qur’ān that he has brought.

Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi

تفسير : (and lo! those who disbelieve would fain disconcert thee…) [68:51]. this verse was revealed when the disbelievers wanted to give the evil eye to the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace. some people from the quraysh looked once at him and said: “we have never seen anyone like him or like his proofs”. the banu asad were renowned for their evil eye. a fat camel or cow would pass by one of them and, after giving it the evil eye, he would say to his slave-girl: “o girl, take a large basket and a silver coin and bring us some of the meat of this!” the camel or cow would fall dead straight after that and would then be hamstrung. said al-kalbi: “there was a man from the arabs who used to abstain from food for two or three days and then raise part of his tent, upon the passing by of cattle, and say: ‘there are no grazing camels or sheep today better than these’, and the cattle would not proceed far before some of them would fall dead. the disbelievers requested this man to give the evil eye to the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace, but allah, exalted is he, protected his prophet and revealed this verse”.