Verse. 5496

٧٤ - ٱلْمُدَّثِّر

74 - Al-Muddathir

يٰۗاَيُّہَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ۝۱ۙ
Ya ayyuha almuddaththiru


Ahmed Ali

O YOU ENFOLDED in your mantle (of reform),



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and from his narration on the authority of ibn 'abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of allah's saying (o thou enveloped in your cloak): '(o thou enveloped in your cloak) addressing the prophet (pbuh) who had enveloped himself in his cloak to sleep

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : o you enveloped in your mantle, the prophet (s) (al-muddaththir is actually al-mutadaththir, but the tā’ has been assimilated with the dāl) that is to say, the one who is enwrapped in his clothes when the revelation [gabriel] comes down on him,

Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi

تفسير : (o thou enveloped in thy cloak…) [74:1-4]. abu ishaq ahmad ibn ibrahim al-muqri’ informed us> ‘abd al-malik ibn al-walid> his father> al-awza‘i> yahya ibn abi kathir> abu salamah> jabir who related that the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace, said to them: “i stayed in hira’ for a month and when my stay came to an end, i came down. as i was in the middle of the valley, i was called. i looked in front and behind me, to my right and to my left, but could not see anyone. i was called once again. i raised my head, and i saw on a throne in midair [i.e. gabriel peace be upon him]. i said: ‘wrap me up, wrap me up!’ and they threw water over me. allah, glorified and majestic is he, then revealed (o thou enveloped in thy cloak, arise and warn! thy lord magnify, thy raiment purify)”. narrated by muslim> zuhayr ibn harb> al-walid ibn muslim> al-awza‘i.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : o you enveloped in your mantle, ! arise and warn,he said:‘o you who are seeking succour from your own self in order to relieve your breast and heart. arise through us and shed from yourself all other than us. warn our servants, for surely we have prepared you for the most honoured of positions (ashraf al-mawāqif) and the greatest of stations (aʿẓam al-maqāmāt).’