Verse. 1027

٧ - ٱلْأَعْرَاف

7 - Al-A'raf

وَاِلٰي ثَمُوْدَ اَخَاہُمْ صٰلِحًا۝۰ۘ قَالَ يٰقَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللہَ مَا لَكُمْ مِّنْ اِلٰہٍ غَيْرُہٗ۝۰ۭ قَدْ جَاۗءَتْكُمْ بَيِّنَۃٌ مِّنْ رَّبِّكُمْ۝۰ۭ ہٰذِہٖ نَاقَۃُ اللہِ لَكُمْ اٰيَۃً فَذَرُوْہَا تَاْكُلْ فِيْۗ اَرْضِ اللہِ وَلَا تَمَسُّوْہَا بِسُوْۗءٍ فَيَاْخُذَكُمْ عَذَابٌ اَلِيْمٌ۝۷۳
Waila thamooda akhahum salihan qala ya qawmi oAAbudoo Allaha ma lakum min ilahin ghayruhu qad jaatkum bayyinatun min rabbikum hathihi naqatu Allahi lakum ayatan fatharooha takul fee ardi Allahi wala tamassooha bisooin fayakhuthakum AAathabun aleemun


Ahmed Ali

We sent to Thamud their brother Saleh. "O you people," said he, "worship God, for you have no other god but He. Clear proof has come to you already from your Lord, and this she-camel of God is the token for you. Leave her free to graze upon God's earth, and do not molest her lest a grievous punishment should befall you.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and to (the tribe of) thamud) we sent (their brother) their prophet, it is also said that he was their brother in lineage but not in religion (salih. he said: o my people! serve allah) profess allah's divine oneness. (ye have no other god save him) save the one i am commanding you to believe in. (a wonder from your lord hath come unto you) an exposition from your lord has come to you. (lo! this is the camel of allah, a token unto you) a sign for allah's message; (so let her feed in allah's earth) eat its grass unhindered, (and touch her not with hurt) hamstrung her not (lest painful torment seize you) after you hurt her.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and, we sent, to thamūd (thamūda, read without declining [the noun], as denoting the tribe [of thamūd] itself) their brother sālih. he said, ‘o my people, worship god! you have no god other than him. truly there has come to you a clear proof, an illustration, from your lord, of my truthfulness, this is the she-camel of god, a sign for you (lakum āyatan is a circumstantial qualifier operated by the import of the demonstrative noun [hādhihi, ‘this’]), they had asked him to make it come out of a [specific] rock which they had designated. so leave her to feed throughout god’s earth, and do not touch her with harm, either by hamstringing or beating her, lest you be seized by a painful chastisement.