Verse. 1111

٧ - ٱلْأَعْرَاف

7 - Al-A'raf

اَلَّذِيْنَ يَتَّبِعُوْنَ الرَّسُوْلَ النَّبِيَّ الْاُمِّيَّ الَّذِيْ يَجِدُوْنَہٗ مَكْتُوْبًا عِنْدَہُمْ فِي التَّوْرٰىۃِ وَالْاِنْجِيْلِ۝۰ۡيَاْمُرُہُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوْفِ وَيَنْہٰىہُمْ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيُحِلُّ لَہُمُ الطَّيِّبٰتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْہِمُ الْخَـبٰۗىِٕثَ وَيَضَعُ عَنْہُمْ اِصْرَہُمْ وَالْاَغْلٰلَ الَّتِيْ كَانَتْ عَلَيْہِمْ۝۰ۭ فَالَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا بِہٖ وَعَزَّرُوْہُ وَنَصَرُوْہُ وَاتَّبَعُوا النُّوْرَ الَّذِيْۗ اُنْزِلَ مَعَہٗۗ۝۰ۙ اُولٰۗىِٕكَ ہُمُ الْمُفْلِحُوْنَ۝۱۵۷ۧ
Allatheena yattabiAAoona alrrasoola alnnabiyya alommiyya allathee yajidoonahu maktooban AAindahum fee alttawrati waalinjeeli yamuruhum bialmaAAroofi wayanhahum AAani almunkari wayuhillu lahumu alttayyibati wayuharrimu AAalayhimu alkhabaitha wayadaAAu AAanhum israhum waalaghlala allatee kanat AAalayhim faallatheena amanoo bihi waAAazzaroohu wanasaroohu waittabaAAoo alnnoora allathee onzila maAAahu olaika humu almuflihoona


Ahmed Ali

Who follow the messenger, the gentile Prophet, described in the Torah and the Gospel, who bids things noble and forbids things vile, makes lawful what is clean, and prohibits what is foul, who relieves them of their burdens, and the yoke that lies upon them. Those who believe and honour and help him, and follow the light sent with him, are those who will attain their goal."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (those who follow the messenger) the religion of the messenger, (the prophet who can neither read nor write) i.e. muhammad (pbuh) (whom they will find) with his traits and description (described in the torah and the gospel (which are) with them. he will enjoin on them that which is right) allah's divine oneness and moral excellence (and forbid them that which is wrong) disbelief and hurting others. (he will make lawful for them all good things) he explains to them the lawfulness of that which is in the scripture such as the meat and milk of camels, sheep and others (and prohibit for them only the foul) he explains to them the unlawfulness of what is in the scripture such as carrion, the meat of swine and other things; (and he will relieve them of their burden) their pledges the breaking of which made good things unlawful for them (and the fetters) the hardships (that they used to wear) such as tearing up their clothes and other things. (then those who believe in him) in muhammad (pbuh) i.e. 'abdullah ibn salam and his followers, (and honour him) and assist him (and help him) with the sword, (and follow the light) the qur'an (which is sent down with him) which was sent with gabriel: that which is lawful, they declared lawful, and that which unlawful, they declared unlawful: (they are the successful) who are saved from allah's wrath and torment.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : those who follow the messenger, the uninstructed prophet, muhammad (s) whom they will find inscribed in their torah and gospel, in name and description, enjoining them to decency and forbidding them indecency, making lawful for them the good things, which were forbidden [to them] by their law, and making unlawful for them the vile things, such as carrion and the like, and relieving them of their burden, their onus, and the shackles, the hardships, that they used to bear, such as [the requirement] to kill oneself as a repentance and the severing of that part that had come into contact with any impurity. then those who believe in him, from among them, and honour, revere, him, and help him, and follow the light that has been revealed with him, namely, the qur’ān, they are the ones who will prosper’.