Verse. 2188

١٨ - ٱلْكَهْف

18 - Al-Kahf

وَعُرِضُوْا عَلٰي رَبِّكَ صَفًّا۝۰ۭ لَقَدْ جِئْتُمُوْنَا كَـمَا خَلَقْنٰكُمْ اَوَّلَ مَرَّۃٍؚ۝۰ۡبَلْ زَعَمْتُمْ اَلَّنْ نَّجْعَلَ لَكُمْ مَّوْعِدًا۝۴۸
WaAAuridoo AAala rabbika saffan laqad jitumoona kama khalaqnakum awwala marratin bal zaAAamtum allan najAAala lakum mawAAidan


Ahmed Ali

They will be arraigned before their Lord row on row, (and He will say): "Well, you have come to Us as We had first created you, even though you imagined We had fixed no time for this meeting."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and they are set before thy lord) they were led before your lord (in ranks) all together, and allah says to them: (now verily have ye come unto us as we created you at the first) without wealth or children. (but you thought) you said in the life of the world (that we had set no tryst for you) that we had set no appointed term for the resurrection.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and they shall be presented before your lord in ranks (saffan is a circumstantial qualifier) in other words, ranged so that every community is in a row [on its own], and it shall be said to them: ‘verily you have come to us just as we created you the first time, that is to say, individually, barefoot, naked and uncircumcised; and it shall be said to the deniers of the resurrection: rather you claimed that (a [of allan] is an, softened in place of the hardened one, in other words [it is to be understood as] annahu) we would not appoint for you a tryst’, for resurrection.