Verse. 2209

١٨ - ٱلْكَهْف

18 - Al-Kahf

قَالَ سَتَجِدُنِيْۗ اِنْ شَاۗءَ اللہُ صَابِرًا وَّلَاۗ اَعْصِيْ لَكَ اَمْرًا۝۶۹
Qala satajidunee in shaa Allahu sabiran wala aAAsee laka amran


Ahmed Ali

"You will find me patient if God wills," said Moses; "and I will not disobey you in any thing."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (he said: allah willing, thou shalt find me) o khidr (patient) in relation to that which i see from you (and i shall not in aught gainsay thee) i will not disobey your command.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : he said, ‘you will find me, god willing, patient, and i will not disobey, in other words, and [you will also find me] non-disobedient [towards], you in any matter’, with which you charge me. he [moses] made this [statement] conditional upon the will [of god] because he was not confident of himself in what he had committed himself to. indeed, this is the custom of prophets and saints, namely, that they do not put their trust in themselves for a single moment.