Verse. 2218

١٨ - ٱلْكَهْف

18 - Al-Kahf

قَالَ ھٰذَا فِرَاقُ بَيْنِيْ وَبَيْنِكَ۝۰ۚ سَاُنَبِّئُكَ بِتَاْوِيْلِ مَا لَمْ تَسْتَطِعْ عَّلَيْہِ صَبْرًا۝۷۸
Qala hatha firaqu baynee wabaynika saonabbioka bitaweeli ma lam tastatiAA AAalayhi sabran


Ahmed Ali

"This is the parting of our "ways," he said. "But I will now explain the things you could not bear:



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (he said) khidr said: (this is the parting between thee and me) o moses! (i will announce unto thee the interpretation of that thou couldst not bear with patience).

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : said he, al-khidr, to him, ‘this is the parting, that is, the moment for parting, between me and you (baynī wa-baynika, here [the preposition] bayna has been annexed to a non-multiple [noun], but this is allowed [grammatically] because it is then repeated with [its other noun together with] the coordinating wāw). i will inform you, before i part company with you, the interpretation of that over which you were not able to maintain patience.