Verse. 2289

١٩ - مَرْيَم

19 - Maryam

وَاَنْذِرْہُمْ يَوْمَ الْحَسْرَۃِ اِذْ قُضِيَ الْاَمْرُ۝۰ۘ وَہُمْ فِيْ غَفْلَۃٍ وَّہُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُوْنَ۝۳۹
Waanthirhum yawma alhasrati ith qudiya alamru wahum fee ghaflatin wahum la yuminoona


Ahmed Ali

Warn them of that day of pining when all matters will have been settled, though they would still be unaware and unbelieving (of the truth).



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and warn them) o muhammad (of the day of anguish) of the day of regret (when the case hath been decided) when the reckoning is over and the people of paradise enter paradise and the people of hell enter hell and death is slain. (now they are in a state of carelessness) in a state of ignorance and blindness concerning it, (and they believe not) in muhammad (pbuh) in the qur'an or in resurrection after death.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and warn them, threaten, o muhammad (s), the disbelievers of mecca, of the day of regret, namely, the day of resurrection, on which the sinner will regret not having been virtuous in [the life of] this world, when the matter will be decided, for them thereupon, that they be chastised, while they, in this world, are [yet] heedless, of it, and do not believe, in it [the day of resurrection].