Verse. 2335

١٩ - مَرْيَم

19 - Maryam

يَوْمَ نَحْشُرُ الْمُتَّقِيْنَ اِلَى الرَّحْمٰنِ وَفْدًا۝۸۵ۙ
Yawma nahshuru almuttaqeena ila alrrahmani wafdan


Ahmed Ali

The day We shall usher the righteous before Ar-Rahman like envoys into the presence of a king,



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (on the day) which is the day of judgement (when we shall gather the righteous) those who ward off disbelief, idolatry and indecency (unto the beneficent) unto the garden of the beneficent, (a goodly company) mounting on she-camels.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : mention, the day on which we shall gather those who fear god, by their [adherence to] faith, to the compassionate one, [honoured] on mounts (wafdan, the [accusative] plural of wāfid, meaning ‘mounted’);

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : [mention] the day on which we shall gather those who are mindful of god to the compassionateone, [honoured] on mounts (wafdan).that is, mounted (rukbānan). the mindful of god (muttaqūn) are those who are wary of all besides god, mighty and majestic is he.and he said:nothing will be complete for the servant until he fortifies his work[s] (ʿamal) with fear [of god] (khashiya), his deed[s] (fiʿl) with scrupulous piety (waraʿ), his scrupulous piety with sincerity(ikhlāṣ), his sincerity with contemplative witnessing (mushāhada), and his contemplative witnessing with wariness (taqwā) of all besides god.and he said:their hearts are too precious to them than that they should see within them anything other than god, mighty and majestic is he. indeed, when god created the heart he said, ‘i have created you especially for me.’ thus, these hearts are wanderers (jawwāla); they either circumambulate the throne, or they wander [aimlessly] in the dry fodder (ḥashsh) [of the desert wilderness.] his words, exalted is he: