Verse. 2790

٢٣ - ٱلْمُؤْمِنُون

23 - Al-Mu'minoon

وَمَنْ يَّدْعُ مَعَ اللہِ اِلٰــہًا اٰخَرَ۝۰ۙ لَا بُرْہَانَ لَہٗ بِہٖ۝۰ۙ فَاِنَّمَا حِسَابُہٗ عِنْدَ رَبِّہٖ۝۰ۭ اِنَّہٗ لَا يُفْلِحُ الْكٰفِرُوْنَ۝۱۱۷
Waman yadAAu maAAa Allahi ilahan akhara la burhana lahu bihi fainnama hisabuhu AAinda rabbihi innahu la yuflihu alkafiroona


Ahmed Ali

Whoever worships another god apart from God, for which he holds no proof, will have to account for it before his Lord. Verily the unbelievers will not prosper.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : he who crieth unto) worships (any other god) among idols (along with allah hath no proof thereof) no proof for worshipping other than allah. (his reckoning) his chastisement (is only with his lord) in the hereafter. (lo! disbelievers will not be successful) disbelievers will not be safe from allah's chastisement nor escape from it.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and he who calls on another god along with god has no proof thereof (lā burhāna lahu bihi, an [extra] explicative adjectival qualification that has no [other syntactical] signification), his reckoning, his requital, will indeed be with his lord. truly the disbelievers will not be successful, they will not be felicitous.