Verse. 2822

٢٤ - ٱلنُّور

24 - An-Nour

وَقُلْ لِّلْمُؤْمِنٰتِ يَغْضُضْنَ مِنْ اَبْصَارِہِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوْجَہُنَّ وَلَا يُبْدِيْنَ زِيْنَتَہُنَّ اِلَّا مَا ظَہَرَ مِنْہَا وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِہِنَّ عَلٰي جُيُوْبِہِنَّ۝۰۠ وَلَا يُبْدِيْنَ زِيْنَتَہُنَّ اِلَّا لِبُعُوْلَتِہِنَّ اَوْ اٰبَاۗىِٕہِنَّ اَوْ اٰبَاۗءِ بُعُوْلَتِہِنَّ اَوْ اَبْنَاۗىِٕہِنَّ اَوْ اَبْنَاۗءِ بُعُوْلَتِہِنَّ اَوْ اِخْوَانِہِنَّ اَوْ بَنِيْۗ اِخْوَانِہِنَّ اَوْ بَنِيْۗ اَخَوٰتِہِنَّ اَوْ نِسَاۗىِٕہِنَّ اَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ اَيْمَانُہُنَّ اَوِ التّٰبِعِيْنَ غَيْرِ اُولِي الْاِرْبَۃِ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ اَوِ الطِّفْلِ الَّذِيْنَ لَمْ يَظْہَرُوْا عَلٰي عَوْرٰتِ النِّسَاۗءِ۝۰۠ وَلَا يَضْرِبْنَ بِاَرْجُلِہِنَّ لِيُعْلَمَ مَا يُخْفِيْنَ مِنْ زِيْنَتِہِنَّ۝۰ۭ وَتُوْبُوْۗا اِلَى اللہِ جَمِيْعًا اَيُّہَ الْمُؤْمِنُوْنَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُوْنَ۝۳۱
Waqul lilmuminati yaghdudna min absarihinna wayahfathna furoojahunna wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa ma thahara minha walyadribna bikhumurihinna AAala juyoobihinna wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa libuAAoolatihinna aw abaihinna aw abai buAAoolatihinna aw abnaihinna aw abnai buAAoolatihinna aw ikhwanihinna aw banee ikhwanihinna aw banee akhawatihinna aw nisaihinna aw ma malakat aymanuhunna awi alttabiAAeena ghayri olee alirbati mina alrrijali awi alttifli allatheena lam yathharoo AAala AAawrati alnnisai wala yadribna biarjulihinna liyuAAlama ma yukhfeena min zeenatihinna watooboo ila Allahi jameeAAan ayyuha almuminoona laAAallakum tuflihoona


Ahmed Ali

Tell the believing women to lower their eyes, guard their private parts, and not display their charms except what is apparent outwardly, and cover their bosoms with their veils and not to show their finery except to their husbands or their fathers or fathers-in-law, their sons or step-sons, brothers, or their brothers' and sisters' sons, or their women attendants or captives, or male attendants who do not have any need (for women), or boys not yet aware of sex. They should not walk stamping their feet lest they make known what they hide of their Ornaments. O believers, turn to God, every one of you, so that you may be successful.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and tell the believing women) o muhammad (to lower their gaze) from men, that which is unlawful as far as men are concerned (and be modest) and be chaste, (and to display of their adornment) their bracelets and ornamented belts (only that which is apparent) of their clothes, (and to draw their veils over their bosoms) and they should tie that; and then allah mentioned the adornment again, and said: (and not to reveal their adornment) their bracelets and ornamented belts and other things (save to their own husbands or fathers) blood fathers or stepfathers (or husbands fathers, or their sons) real sons or milk sons (or their husbands' sons) from other women, (or their brothers) their milk brothers or blood brothers (or their brothers' sons) their real sons or stepsons (or sisters sons) their real sons or milk sons, (or their women) i.e. muslim women who belong to their own religion, because it is unlawful for jewish, christian or magian women to see them without their clothes on, (or their slaves) female slaves, not male slaves, (or male attendants who lack vigour) or male attendants who belong to their husbands who have no desire for women: i.e. eunuchs and elderly men, (or children who know naught of women's nakedness) children who are too young to sleep with women and do not understand what goes on between men and women, such as these can see the adornment of women without there being any doubt. (and let them not stamp their feet) their anklets (so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment) so that strange men know what they hide of their adornment. (and turn unto allah together) and repent of all sins whether great or small, (o believers, in order that ye may succeed) in order that you escape allah's wrath and chastisement.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and tell believing women to lower their gaze, away from what is not lawful for them to look at, and to guard their private parts, from what is not lawful for them to do with them, and not to display their adornment except for what is apparent, namely, the face and the hands, which may be seen by a stranger, when there is no danger of [either or both falling into] temptation — this being one of two opinions. the second [of these] is that [even] this is forbidden because there is a presumption that these [parts] will cause temptation — and this is the preferred opinion, if one must settle this topic [with a definitive opinion]; and let them draw their veils over their bosoms, that is, let them cover up their heads, necks and chests with veils, and not reveal their, hidden, adornment, namely, all that is other than the face and the hands, except to their husbands (bu‘ūl is the plural form of ba‘l, ‘male spouse’) or their fathers, or their husbands’ fathers, or their sons, or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or what their right hands own, all of whom are permitted to look thereat, except for the part from the navel down to the knees, which is unlawful for any other than their husbands to see; ‘their women’, however, excludes disbelieving women, for it is not permitted for muslim women to reveal themselves to these; ‘what their right hands own’ comprises slaves; or such men who are dependant, on what food may be left over, not (ghayri, read as an adjective, or read ghayra as an exceptive) possessing any sexual desire, [not] those men who are in [sexual] need of women, so for example those whose male member cannot become erect; or children who are not yet aware of women’s private parts, in [the context of] sexual intercourse, and so to these they may reveal themselves except for that part from the navel to the knees. and do not let them thump with their feet to make known their hidden ornaments, as in a rattling anklet [and the like]. and rally to god in repentance, o believers, [repenting] of the occasions on which you may have looked at what is forbidden [to look at] of such [parts] and otherwise, so that you might be prosperous, [so that you might] be saved from such [sinful acts] when your repentance thereof is accepted — in this verse the prevalent address is to males over females.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …and rally to god in repentance, o believers…[sahl] was asked: ‘what is repentance (tawba)?’ he replied:it is that you exchange your ignorance for knowledge, your forgetfulness for remembrance and your disobedience for obedience.his words, exalted is he: