Verse. 3171

٢٧ - ٱلنَّمْل

27 - An-Naml

وَاَدْخِلْ يَدَكَ فِيْ جَيْبِكَ تَخْرُجْ بَيْضَاۗءَ مِنْ غَيْرِ سُوْۗءٍ۝۰ۣ فِيْ تِسْعِ اٰيٰتٍ اِلٰى فِرْعَوْنَ وَقَوْمِہٖ۝۰ۭ اِنَّہُمْ كَانُوْا قَوْمًا فٰسِقِيْنَ۝۱۲
Waadkhil yadaka fee jaybika takhruj baydaa min ghayri sooin fee tisAAi ayatin ila firAAawna waqawmihi innahum kanoo qawman fasiqeena


Ahmed Ali

Put your hand in the bosom of your shirt; it will come out white without any blemish. This will be one of nine tokens for the Pharaoh and his people, who are a wicked lot indeed."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and put thy hand into the bosom of thy robe) in your armpit, (it will come forth white but unhurt) without having contracted leprosy. go! ((this will be one) among nine tokens) go with nine signs (unto pharaoh and his people) the copts. (lo! they were ever evil-living folk) they were disbelievers.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and insert your hand into your bosom, into the collar of your shirt, and it will emerge, not in its usual skin colour, but, white without any blemish, any [vestige of] leprosy, with a glare that dazzles the eyes, as one sign, among nine signs, with which you shall be sent [as god’s messenger], to pharaoh and his folk; indeed they are an immoral lot’ .