Verse. 4061

٣٩ - ٱلزُّمَر

39 - Az-Zumar

اَلَا لِلہِ الدِّيْنُ الْخَالِصُ۝۰ۭ وَالَّذِيْنَ اتَّخَذُوْا مِنْ دُوْنِہٖۗ اَوْلِيَاۗءَ۝۰ۘ مَا نَعْبُدُہُمْ اِلَّا لِيُقَرِّبُوْنَاۗ اِلَى اللہِ زُلْفٰى۝۰ۭ اِنَّ اللہَ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَہُمْ فِيْ مَا ہُمْ فِيْہِ يَخْتَلِفُوْنَ۝۰ۥۭ اِنَّ اللہَ لَا يَہْدِيْ مَنْ ہُوَكٰذِبٌ كَفَّارٌ۝۳
Ala lillahi alddeenu alkhalisu waallatheena ittakhathoo min doonihi awliyaa ma naAAbuduhum illa liyuqarriboona ila Allahi zulfa inna Allaha yahkumu baynahum fee ma hum feehi yakhtalifoona inna Allaha la yahdee man huwa kathibun kaffarun


Ahmed Ali

Remember that devotion is exclusively for God. Those who have taken protectors other than Him, say: "We worship them that they may bring us nearer to God." Surely God will judge between them in what they are differing about. Verily God does not show the way to an ungrateful liar.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (surely pure religion is) sincerity in religion is enjoined upon people (for allah only. and those who choose) and those who worship (protecting friends) deities: al-lat, al-'uzza and manat (beside him) beside allah, i.e. the disbelievers of mecca ((say): we worship them only that they may bring us near unto allah) near to allah in rank and intercession. (lo! allah will judge between them) and the believers on the day of judgement (concerning that wherein) in the matter of religion (they differ) they contravene. (lo! allah guideth not) to his religion (him who is a liar) about allah, (an ingrate) and disbelieves in allah; the reference here is to the jews, christians, the banu malih, the magians and the arab idolaters.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : surely to god belongs pure religion, none other than him being deserving of it. and those who take besides him, the idols [as], patrons: and they are the disbelievers of mecca — they say: ‘we only worship them so that they may bring us near to god’ (zulfā, a verbal noun, with the sense of taqrīban, ‘for the sake of nearness’). god will indeed judge between them, and the muslims, concerning that about which they differ, of religion, and so admit the believers into paradise, and the disbelievers into the fire. truly god does not guide one who is a liar, attributing a child to him, a disbeliever, worshipping other than god.