Verse. 4181

٤٠ - غَافِر

40 - Ghafir

قَالَ الَّذِيْنَ اسْتَكْبَرُوْۗا اِنَّا كُلٌّ فِيْہَاۗ۝۰ۙ اِنَّ اللہَ قَدْ حَكَمَ بَيْنَ الْعِبَادِ۝۴۸
Qala allatheena istakbaroo inna kullun feeha inna Allaha qad hakama bayna alAAibadi


Ahmed Ali

The arrogant will answer: "All of us are in it. Surely God has judged between His creatures."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (those who were proud) to accept faith, i.e. the leaders (say) to their followers: (lo! we are all (together)) the worshipped and the worshippers, the leaders and the followers (herein) in the fire. (lo! allah hath judged between (his) slaves) he has judged between the worshipper and the worshipped and between the leaders and followers and decreed that they will abide in the fire; it is also said that this means: allah has judged between the believers and disbelievers: the believers will enter the garden while the disbelievers will go to the fire.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : those who were arrogant will say, ‘indeed we are all [together] in it. god has indeed judged [fairly] between his servants’, admitting believers into paradise and disbelievers into the fire.