Verse. 4239

٤١ - فُصِّلَت

41 - Fussilat

وَقَالُوْا لِجُلُوْدِہِمْ لِمَ شَہِدْتُّمْ عَلَيْنَا۝۰ۭ قَالُوْۗا اَنْطَقَنَا اللہُ الَّذِيْۗ اَنْطَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ وَّہُوَخَلَقَكُمْ اَوَّلَ مَرَّۃٍ وَّاِلَيْہِ تُرْجَعُوْنَ۝۲۱
Waqaloo lijuloodihim lima shahidtum AAalayna qaloo antaqana Allahu allathee antaqa kulla shayin wahuwa khalaqakum awwala marratin wailayhi turjaAAoona


Ahmed Ali

And they will say to their bodies: "Why did you testify against us?" They will answer: "God, who gave all things power of articulation, made us speak. It is He who created you the first time, and to Him you will return.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (and they say unto their skins) to their limbs; and it is also said: to their sexual organs: (why testify ye against us) when we were trying to argue in your favour? (they say: allah hath given us speech) allah has made us speak (who giveth speech to all things) to all created beings today, (and who created you) and who made you speak (at the first) in the first instance, (and unto whom ye are returned) after death.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and they will say to their skins, ‘why did you bear witness against us?’ they will say, ‘god made us speak, who gave speech to all things, in other words, [all things] which he wanted to [be able to] speak. and he created you the first time, and to him you will be returned: it is said that this statement is made by their skins; but it is also said to be god’s words, as is the case with what follows, for it is similar in context to what preceded, namely, that the one with the power to originate you without any precedent and restore you to life after death, also has the power to make your skins and your limbs speak.