Verse. 4396

٤٣ - ٱلْزُّخْرُف

43 - Az-Zukhruf

يُطَافُ عَلَيْہِمْ بِصِحَافٍ مِّنْ ذَہَبٍ وَّاَكْوَابٍ۝۰ۚ وَفِيْہَا مَا تَشْتَہِيْہِ الْاَنْفُسُ وَتَلَذُّ الْاَعْيُنُ۝۰ۚ وَاَنْتُمْ فِيْہَا خٰلِدُوْنَ۝۷۱ۚ
Yutafu AAalayhim bisihafin min thahabin waakwabin wafeeha ma tashtaheehi alanfusu watalaththu alaAAyunu waantum feeha khalidoona


Ahmed Ali

Golden platters and goblets will be passed around, and everything the heart desires and pleases the eye will be there, where you will abide for ever.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (therein are brought round for them) to serve them (trays of gold) filled with different types of food (and goblets) round goblets without handles, filled with drinks, (and therein) i.e. in paradise (is all that souls desire and eyes find sweet) to look at. (and you are immortal therein) you will abide in paradise forever, never to die or leave.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : they will be served from all around with [large] dishes of gold and goblets (akwāb is the plural of kūb, which is a [drinking] vessel without a handle so that the person can drink from whichever side he wants) and therein will be whatever souls desire, to relish, and eyes delight in, contemplating, and you will abide in it [forever].

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …and therein will be whatever souls desire and eyes delight in…he said:that is to say, whatever souls desire is the reward for their works, whereas whatever eyes delight in is the empowerment (tamkīn) which god bestows on them at the time of the encounter (liqāʾ) [with him] as a reward for their realisation of his oneness (tawḥīd).[then] he said:paradise is the reward for works performed by the bodily members. the encounter is the reward for the realisation of god’s oneness (tawḥīd). note how god, exalted is he, has said: