Verse. 4532

٤٦ - ٱلْأَحْقَاف

46 - Al-Ahqaf

قَالُوْۗا اَجِئْتَـنَا لِتَاْفِكَنَا عَنْ اٰلِہَتِنَا۝۰ۚ فَاْتِنَا بِمَا تَعِدُنَاۗ اِنْ كُنْتَ مِنَ الصّٰدِقِيْنَ۝۲۲
Qaloo ajitana litafikana AAan alihatina fatina bima taAAiduna in kunta mina alssadiqeena


Ahmed Ali

They said: "Have you come to turn us away from our gods? Then bring upon us what you predict for us, if you are a man of truth."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (they said: hast thou come) o hud (to turn us away from our gods) to turn us away from the worship of our gods? (then bring upon us that) torment (wherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful) that torment will befall us if we reject faith.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : they said, ‘have you come to divert us from our gods?, to turn us away from worship of them. then bring us what you threaten us with, of chastisement for worshipping them, if you are of the truthful’, in [saying] that it will befall us.