Verse. 4545

٤٦ - ٱلْأَحْقَاف

46 - Al-Ahqaf

فَاصْبِرْ كَـمَا صَبَرَ اُولُوا الْعَزْمِ مِنَ الرُّسُلِ وَلَا تَسْتَعْجِلْ لَّہُمْ۝۰ۭ كَاَنَّہُمْ يَوْمَ يَرَوْنَ مَا يُوْعَدُوْنَ۝۰ۙ لَمْ يَلْبَثُوْۗا اِلَّا سَاعَۃً مِّنْ نَّہَارٍ۝۰ۭ بَلٰغٌ۝۰ۚ فَہَلْ يُہْلَكُ اِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْفٰسِقُوْنَ۝۳۵ۧ
Faisbir kama sabara oloo alAAazmi mina alrrusuli wala tastaAAjil lahum kaannahum yawma yarawna ma yooAAadoona lam yalbathoo illa saAAatan min naharin balaghun fahal yuhlaku illa alqawmu alfasiqoona


Ahmed Ali

So bear with patience, as the apostles who were constant, bore; and do not be hasty (in demanding punishment) for them. On the day they see what they had been foretold, (they will realise) that they did not stay in the world but only an hour of the day. This is the message to be conveyed: Shall any perish but the ungodly?



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (then have patience) o muhammad in the face of the disbelievers' harm (even as the stout of heart) as those possessed of certainty and resolve (among the messengers (of old)) such as noah, abraham, moses and jesus; it is also said that this means: such as those possessed of toughness and patience like noah, job, zachariah and john (had patience, and seek not to hasten on the doom for them. on the day when they see that which they are promised) of doom ((it will seem to them) as though they had tarried) in the life of the world (but an hour of daylight. a clear message). and when the time of chastisement and destruction comes, (shall any be destroyed) through such a chastisement (save evil-living folk) save the disbelievers, those who had denied and barred people from the way of allah?'

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : so endure [with patience], the harm done [to you] by your people, just as the resolute, those of constancy and [power of] endurance during hardships, from among the messengers endured [with patience], before you, so that you may be one of resolve [like them] (min [of mina’l-rusuli] is explicative, as all of them were men of resolve; but some say that this [particle min] is [actually] meant to be partitive, since excluded from their number are: adam, on the basis of god’s saying, exalted be he: and we did not find in him any constancy [q. 20:115]; and jonah, on the basis of his words: and do not be like the one of the fish [q. 68:48]). and do not seek to hasten [it] for them, for your people, the sending down of the chastisement on them. some say that he [the prophet] seemed [by this stage] to have become exasperated because of them and desired that chastisement be sent down on them, which is why he was enjoined to [exercise] patience and to refrain from hastening the chastisement [for them] — for it would befall them [eventually] without doubt. it shall seem for them, on the day when they see what they are promised, of chastisement in the hereafter, given its long duration, as though they had tarried, in this world, by their reckoning, only an hour of a day. this qur’ān is, a communication, a proclamation from god to you. so shall any be destroyed, that is to say, none [shall be destroyed] upon seeing the chastisement, but the immoral folk?, that is to say, the disbelieving [folk].

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : so endure [with patience] like those messengers of firm resolve…he said:it means, ‘be patient with the patience (ṣabr) of the people of gnosis (ahl al-maʿrifa), just as those of firm resolve (ūlū’l-ʿazm) among the messengers showed patience, a patience which is [one of] contentment (riḍā) and submission (taslīm) without complaint (shakwā) or impatience (or anxiety, jazaʿ).’ abraham, god’s friend <img border="0" src="images/alyhialsalam.jpg" width="34" height="19">, was afflicted with the fire, and the sacrifice of his son, but accepted it with contentment (riḍā) and submitted. job <img border="0" src="images/alyhialsalam.jpg" width="34" height="19"> was afflicted by sickness, and ishmael with the sacrifice and [likewise] showed contentment. noah [was tested] with denial but remained steadfast (ṣabara), while jonah [was placed] in the belly of the whale, but called on god and sought refuge in him. joseph, god’s blessings be upon him, [was afflicted with] prison and the well, but he did not alter; and jacob was tested by the loss of his sight and his son, but he complained of his grief only to god and did not complain to anyone else. there are twelve prophets, god’s blessings be upon them, who remained steadfast in the face of what befell them, and they are known as ‘those of firm resolve (ūlū’l-ʿazm) among the messengers’. but god, transcendent and exalted is he, knows best.his words, exalted is he: