Verse. 5040

٥٦ - ٱلْوَاقِعَة

56 - Al-Waqi'a

عَلٰۗي اَنْ نُّبَدِّلَ اَمْثَالَكُمْ وَنُنْشِـىَٔـكُمْ فِيْ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُوْنَ۝۶۱
AAala an nubaddila amthalakum wanunshiakum fee ma la taAAlamoona


Ahmed Ali

From replacing you with others or raising you in a way you do not know.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (that we may transfigure you) that we may destroy you and bring instead other people who are better and more obedient than you (and make you) and create you on the day of judgement in (what ye know not) in a form that you know not: with dark faces and bluish eyes; it is also said that this means: in the form of apes and swine; and it is also said that this means: we shall place your spirits in the fire which you do not believe in.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : replacing [you with], [we are not incapable of] appointing, your likes, in your place, and making you, creating you, in what you do not know, in the way of forms, such as apes or swine.