Verse. 5103

٥٧ - ٱلْحَدِيد

57 - Al-Hadeed

يٰۗاَيُّہَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللہَ وَاٰمِنُوْا بِرَسُوْلِہٖ يُؤْتِكُمْ كِفْلَيْنِ مِنْ رَّحْمَتِہٖ وَيَجْعَلْ لَّكُمْ نُوْرًا تَمْشُوْنَ بِہٖ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ۝۰ۭ وَاللہُ غَفُوْرٌ رَّحِيْمٌ۝۲۸ۙۚ
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha waaminoo birasoolihi yutikum kiflayni min rahmatihi wayajAAal lakum nooran tamshoona bihi wayaghfir lakum waAllahu ghafoorun raheemun


Ahmed Ali

O you who believe, have fear of displeasing God, and believe in His Prophet. He will give you twice as much of His bounty and place a light for you to walk in, and forgive you, for God is forgiving and kind;



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (o ye who believe! be mindful of your duty to allah) fear allah (and put faith in his messenger) be firm in your belief in allah and his messenger. (he will give you twofold of his mercy) of his reward and beneficence (and will appoint for you a light wherein ye shall walk) among people on the bridge over hell, (and will forgive you) the sins you committed in the pre-islamic era. (allah is forgiving) he forgives he who repents, (merciful) towards he who dies in a state of repentance;

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : o you who believe, in jesus, fear god and believe in his messenger, muhammad (s), and jesus, and he will give you a twofold portion, share, of his mercy, for your belief in both prophets; and he will assign for you a light by which you will walk, across the path [over hell and into paradise], and forgive you; for god is forgiving, merciful;

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …and he will give you a twofold portion of his mercy…he said:that is, the ⸢secret of⸣ mercy (⸢sirr⸣al-raḥma), and the essence of mercy (ʿayn al-raḥma). [its] secret is the secret of gnosis (sirr al-maʿrifa). [its] essence is the essence of obedience to god and his messenger.his words, exalted is he: