Verse. 5257

٦٧ - ٱلْمُلْك

67 - Al-Mulk

ءَ اَمِنْتُمْ مَّنْ فِي السَّمَاۗءِ اَنْ يَّخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الْاَرْضَ فَاِذَا ہِيَ تَمُوْرُ۝۱۶ۙ
Aamintum man fee alssamai an yakhsifa bikumu alarda faitha hiya tamooru


Ahmed Ali

Are you so unafraid that He who is in Heaven will not open up the earth to swallow you, when it will begin to tremble?



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (have ye taken security) by your transgression, o people of mecca, (from him who is in the heaven) from the chastisement of he who is in heaven established on the throne (that he will not cause the earth to swallow you when lo! it is convulsed) swirling with you to the seventh earth, just as it has swallowed korah?

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : are you secure (read a-amintum pronouncing both hamzas fully, or by not pronouncing the second one, inserting an alif between it and the other one, or without [the insertion] but replacing it with an alif instead) [in thinking] that he who is in the heaven, [that he] whose authority and power [is in the heaven], will not cause the earth to swallow you (an yakhsifa substitutes for man, ‘he who’) while it quakes?, [while] it moves underneath you and rises above you?