Verse. 5324

٦٩ - ٱلْحَاقَّة

69 - Al-Haqqa



Ahmed Ali




'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : and from his narration on the authority of ibn 'abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of allah's saying (the reality. what is the reality): '(the reality

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : the reality, the resurrection in which is realised [the truth of] all that was rejected in the way of the raising [from the graves], the reckoning and the requital, or [it means the resurrection] which will manifest all of that.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : the sure reality! ! what is the reality?he said:indeed, god, exalted is he, has magnified the circumstances of the day of resurrection and the severity (shidda) of it by the inclusion of the letter hāʾ in it [the word al-ḥāqqa]. its meaning is: the day when each person will encounter his good and bad deeds.ʿumar b. wāṣil said:its meaning is that on that day each group (ṭāʾifa) will be given its just reward (yaḥiqqu) for its works.his words, mighty and majestic is he: