Verse. 5612

٧٦ - ٱلْإِنْسَان

76 - Al-Insan

عٰلِيَہُمْ ثِيَابُ سُـنْدُسٍ خُضْرٌ وَّاِسْـتَبْرَقٌ۝۰ۡوَّحُلُّوْۗا اَسَاوِرَ مِنْ فِضَّۃٍ۝۰ۚ وَسَقٰىہُمْ رَبُّہُمْ شَرَابًا طَہُوْرًا۝۲۱
AAaliyahum thiyabu sundusin khudrun waistabraqun wahulloo asawira min fiddatin wasaqahum rabbuhum sharaban tahooran


Ahmed Ali

On their bodies will be garments of the finest green silk and brocade, and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give them a purest draught to drink.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (their raiment will be fine green silk and gold embroidery. bracelets of silver will they wear. their lord will slake their thirst with a pure drink) pure from filth; it is also said this means: allah purifies them from hatred, cheating and enmity.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : upon them (‘āliyahum is in the accusative as an adverbial clause, and constitutes the predicate of a subject that will follow; a variant reading has ‘ālīhim as a subject, with what follows as its predicate; the suffixed pronoun [-hum] denotes those persons to whom the supplement refers) will be garments of fine green silk and [heavy] silk brocade (sundus is fine silk and constitutes the outer cushion, while istabraq is coarse silk and constitutes the inner lining; either read thiyābu sundusin khudrun wa’stabraqin or thiyābu sundusin khudrin wa’stabraqun, or thiyābu sundusin khudrun wa’stabraqun, or wa-thiyābu sundusin khudrin wa’stabraqin). and they will be adorned with bracelets of silver — elsewhere it is stated, ‘of gold’, in order to show that they will be adorned with both types at the same time or separately — and their lord will give them a pure drink to drink (tahūran, ‘pure’, is intended as a hyperbolic qualification of its purity and cleanness, in contrast to the wine of this world).

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …their lord will give them a pure drink.sahl said:god has informed his servants of the impurity (najāsa) of intoxicating drinks (khumūr) in this world. this is why he differentiated between that which is pure and purifying (ṭāhir wa ṭuhūr), [namely], the wines of paradise, and the wines of this world in their impurity. the wines of this world are sullied and they sully the one who drinks them with sins (āthām), whereas the wines of paradise are purifying and purify the one who drinks them from every blemish (danas), thereby making him acceptable for the holy assembly (majlis al-quds) and the gloriousspectacle (mashhad al-ʿizz).[once] while sahl was performing the prayer of darkness (ʿatma), he recited god’s words, exalted is he: their lord will give them a pure drink. then he began moving his mouth as if he was suckingsomething. when he finished his prayer he was asked, ‘did you drink during the prayer?’ to which he answered:by god, if i had not experienced its taste when i recited it as if i was drinking it, i would not have acted so. his words, exalted is he: