'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī
تفسير : and from his narration on the authority of ibn 'abbas that he said regarding the interpretation of allah's saying (he frowned): '(he frowned) he says: muhammad (pbuh) showed a stern face (and turned away) his face
Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī
تفسير : he, the prophet, frowned, glowered with his face, and turned away,
Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi
تفسير : (he frowned and turned away. because the blind man came unto him) [80:1-2].
this refers to ibn umm maktum. the latter went to see the prophet, allah bless him and give him peace, while the latter was meeting 'utbah ibn rabi'ah, abu jahl ibn hisham, 'abbas ibn 'abd al-muttalib, and ubayy and umayyah the sons of khalaf. he was calling them to allah, hoping that they might embrace islam. ibn umm maktum stood up and said: “o messenger of allah, teach me of that which allah has taught you”. he kept on requesting him and repeating his request, not knowing that he was busy and dealing with someone else. signs of annoyance appeared on the face of the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace, because of being repeatedly interrupted. he said in himself: “these chiefs will say: his followers consist of only the blind, lowly people and slaves!” the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace, frowned and turned away from him, and faced toward the people he was addressing. allah, exalted is he, then revealed these verses. after this, the messenger of allah, allah bless him and give him peace, used to honour him, and would say, whenever he saw him: “welcome to the one about whom my lord has rebuked me!”
muhammad ibn 'abd al-rahman al-musahifi informed us> abu 'amr muhammad ibn ahmad ibn hamdan> abu ya'la> sa'id ibn yahya ibn sa'id> his father> hisham ibn 'urwah> 'a'ishah who said: “(he frowned and turned away) was revealed about ibn umm maktum, the blind. the latter went to the prophet, allah bless him and give him peace, and kept saying: 'o messenger of allah, guide me', while there were with the messenger of allah the leaders of the idolaters. the prophet, allah bless him and give him peace, kept avoiding him and turning to the others. it is about this that (he frowned and turned away) was revealed”. this was revealed by al-hakim in his sahih from 'ali ibn 'isa al-hiri> al-'utabi> sa'd ibn yahya.