Verse. 6008

٨٩ - ٱلْفَجْر

89 - Al-Fajr

فَاَمَّا الْاِنْسَانُ اِذَا مَا ابْتَلٰىہُ رَبُّہٗ فَاَكْرَمَہٗ وَنَعَّمَہٗ۝۰ۥۙ فَيَقُوْلُ رَبِّيْۗ اَكْرَمَنِ۝۱۵ۭ
Faamma alinsanu itha ma ibtalahu rabbuhu faakramahu wanaAAAAamahu fayaqoolu rabbee akramani


Ahmed Ali

As for man, whenever his Lord tries him and then is gracious and provides good things for him, he says: "My Lord has been gracious to me."



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (as for man) the disbelieving man, in reference here to ubayy ibn khalaf; and it is also said: umayyah ibn khalaf, (whenever his lord trieth him) whenever his lord tests him with wealth, richness or means of living (by honouring him) by giving him abundant wealth, (and is gracious unto him) and expands for him his means of living, (he saith: my lord honoureth me) by giving me wealth and means of living.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : and as for man, the disbeliever, whenever his lord tests him and honours him, with wealth and other things, and is gracious to him, he says, ‘my lord has honoured me’.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : and as for man, whenever his lord tries him with honour and blessings, he says, ‘my lord has honoured me.’he said:this means, there will be among the believers one who, when his lord tests him with blessings, says, ‘my lord has honoured me in the abundance (saʿa) and provision (rizq) that he has given me.’ however, this is really a way of leaving him to degenerate further (istidrāj), and a source of delusion (ightirār). indeed, Ḥasan <img border="0" src="images/radeyallahanhom.jpg" width="24" height="22"> once said, ‘the servant remains in a good state as long as he is aware of that which corrupts his works. among them [god’s servants] is he whose [action] is made to appear beautiful to him, and among them is he who has been dominated by lust (shahwa).