Verse. 602

٤ - ٱلنِّسَاء

4 - An-Nisa

ھٰۗاَنْتُمْ ہٰۗؤُلَاۗءِ جٰدَلْتُمْ عَنْھُمْ فِي الْحَيٰوۃِ الدُّنْيَا۝۰ۣ فَمَنْ يُّجَادِلُ اللہَ عَنْھُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيٰمَۃِ اَمْ مَّنْ يَّكُوْنُ عَلَيْہِمْ وَكِيْلًا۝۱۰۹
Haantum haolai jadaltum AAanhum fee alhayati alddunya faman yujadilu Allaha AAanhum yawma alqiyamati am man yakoonu AAalayhim wakeelan


Ahmed Ali

Well, you are those who pleaded for them in the life of this world; but who will plead for them on the Day of Resurrection or be their security?



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (lo! you are) the people of tu'mah, i.e. the banu zufr (they who pleaded) argue (for them) for tu'mah (in the life of the world. but who will plead) argue (with allah for them) tu'mah (on the day of resurrection, or who will then be their) tu'mah's (defender) who will bail him out from allah's torment?

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : ah! there you are (addressing tu‘ma’s clan) you have contested, you have disputed, on their behalf, that is to say, on behalf of tu‘ma and his men (a variant reading has ‘anhu, ‘on his behalf’) in the life of this world; but who will contest against god on their behalf on the day of resurrection, if he were to punish them, or who will be a guardian for them, and take charge of their affair or defend them? in other words, no one will do such a thing.