Verse. 932

٦ - ٱلْأَنْعَام

6 - Al-An'am

ثَمٰنِيَۃَ اَزْوَاجٍ۝۰ۚ مِنَ الضَّاْنِ اثْنَيْنِ وَمِنَ الْمَعْزِ اثْنَيْنِ۝۰ۭ قُلْ ءٰۗالذَّكَرَيْنِ حَرَّمَ اَمِ الْاُنْثَـيَيْنِ اَمَّا اشْـتَمَلَتْ عَلَيْہِ اَرْحَامُ الْاُنْثَـيَيْنِ۝۰ۭ نَبِّــــُٔــوْنِيْ بِعِلْمٍ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ صٰدِقِيْنَ۝۱۴۳ۙ
Thamaniyata azwajin mina alddani ithnayni wamina almaAAzi ithnayni qul alththakarayni harrama ami alonthayayni amma ishtamalat AAalayhi arhamu alonthayayni nabbioonee biAAilmin in kuntum sadiqeena


Ahmed Ali

There are eight pairs, two of the species of sheep and two of goats. Ask them which has He forbidden, the two males or the two females, or what the females carry in their wombs? Produce the sanction if you are truthful.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (eight pairs) he created eight pairs: (of the sheep twain) male and female, (and of the goats twain) male and female. (say) to malik, o muhammad: (hath he forbidden the two males or the two females) is the prohibition of the bahirah and wasilah because of the fluids of the two males or those of the two females, (or that which the wombs of the two females contain) before copulation? (expound to me (the case) with knowledge, if ye are truthful) that allah has made unlawful that which you claim.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : eight pairs, types (thamāniyata azwājin substitutes for hamūlatan wa-farshan, ‘some for burdens and some for light support’): two of sheep, a male and a female; and of goats (read ma‘az or ma‘z) two. say, o muhammad (s) to those who on one occasion deem male cattle forbidden, and on another, the females thereof, and then ascribe such [rules] to god: ‘is it the two males, of the sheep and goats, he has forbidden, you, or the two females, of these two [types], or that which the wombs of the two females contain, be they male or female? inform me with knowledge, of the details of such prohibitions, if you speak truly’, in this [matter], meaning: on what basis has the prohibition been made? if it is on the basis of maleness, then all males are forbidden; if on the basis of femaleness, then all females are so [forbidden]; if on what the womb may contain, then both genders are prohibited. so, on what basis are such specifications made? (the interrogative is meant as a repudiation).