Verse. 985

٧ - ٱلْأَعْرَاف

7 - Al-A'raf

يٰبَنِيْۗ اٰدَمَ خُذُوْا زِيْنَتَكُمْ عِنْدَ كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ وَّكُلُوْا وَاشْرَبُوْا وَلَا تُسْرِفُوْا۝۰ۚ اِنَّہٗ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِيْنَ۝۳۱ۧ
Ya banee adama khuthoo zeenatakum AAinda kulli masjidin wakuloo waishraboo wala tusrifoo innahu la yuhibbu almusrifeena


Ahmed Ali

O sons of Adam, attire yourselves at every time of worship; eat and drink, but do not be wasteful, for God does not like the prodigals.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (o children of adam! look to your adornment) wear your clothes (at every place of worship) at the time of every prayer and upon circumambulation of the ka'bah, (and eat) of meat and fat (and drink) of milk, (but be not prodigal) do not declare unlawful wholesome foods, meat and fat. (lo! he loveth not the prodigals) those who transgress by leaving the lawful and going after the unlawful..

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : o children of adam! don your adornment, that which covers your nakedness, at every place of worship, at prayer and at the circumambulation, and eat and drink, what you want, but do not be excessive; he truly does not love those who are excessive.

Ali ibn Ahmad al-Wahidi

تفسير : (o children of adam! look to your adornment at every place of worship…) [7:31]. sa‘id ibn muhammad al-‘adl informed us> abu ‘amr ibn hamdan> al-hasan ibn sufyan> al-hasan ibn hammad al-warraq> abu yahya al-himmani> nasr ibn al-hasan al-haddad> ‘ikrimah> ibn ‘abbas who said: “some of the bedouins used to circumambulate the sacred house completely naked to the extent that their women circumambulated the house completely naked except for straps — like the straps placed on the faces of donkeys to protect them from flies — placed around their lower parts, reciting: ‘today some or all of it will show/and whatever appears of it, i do not make it lawful’. allah, exalted is he, therefore, revealed to his prophet, allah bless him and give him peace: (o children of adam! look to your adornment at every place of worship…) and so, they were commanded to wear clothes”. ‘abd al-rahman ibn ahmad al-‘attar informed us> muhammad ibn ‘abd allah al-hafiz> muhammad ibn ya‘qub al-ma‘qili> ibrahim ibn marzuq> abu dawud al-tayalisi> shu‘bah> salamah ibn kuhayl> muslim al-batin> sa‘id ibn jubayr> ibn ‘abbas who said: “in the pre-islamic period, women used to go round the sacred house completely naked, except for a rag around their private parts, reciting: today some or all of it will show and whatever appears of it, i do not make it lawful. and so this verse (look to your adornment at every place of worship…) was revealed; as was revealed (say: who hath forbidden the adornment of allah which he hath brought forth for his bondmen…) [7:32-33]”. narrated by muslim from bundar from ghundar from shu‘bah. al-hasan ibn muhammad al-farisi informed us> muhammad ibn ‘abd allah ibn hamdun> ahmad ibn al-hasan al-hafiz> muhammad ibn yahya> isma‘il ibn uways> his brother> sulayman ibn bilal> muhammad ibn abi ‘atiq> ibn shihab> abu salamah ibn ‘abd al-rahman who said: “it was the norm according to the religion which they followed that, when they went to pilgrimage and returned from mina, none of them was allowed to go round the house with the clothes which they wore. and so, whoever wanted to go round the house had to undress and put his clothes aside until after circumambulation. this act was supposed to display more piety from the person who did it. allah, exalted is he, then revealed about them (o children of adam! look to your adornment at every place of worship…) up to his words (for people who have knowledge) [7:32]. this was revealed about those who go round the sacred house naked”. said al-kalbi: “during the days of pilgrimage, people of the pre-islamic period ate very little and refrained from fats as a sign of their glorification of pilgrimage. the muslims said: ‘o messenger of allah, we have a better right to do that’, and as a result, allah, exalted is he, revealed (and eat) meat and fats (and drink)”.

Sahl al-Tustari

تفسير : …and eat and drink, but do not be excessive; he truly does not love those who are excessive.eating is of five kinds: that which is a necessity [for subsistence] (ḍarūra); that which is a source of sustenance (qiwām); that which is a source of nourishment (qūt); that which should be of a determined [amount] (maʿlūm); and that which one does without. [beyond this], there is a sixth in which there is no good, and that is [wrongly] mixed (takhlīṭ). furthermore, god, exalted is he, created the world and placed knowledge and wisdom within hunger (jūʿ), and placed ignorance and transgression within satiety (shabʿ). so, when you are hungry ask for satiety from the one who has afflicted you with hunger, and if you are satiated, ask for hunger from the one who has afflicted you with satiety, otherwise you will commit excesses and transgress.then he recited: but man is wont to transgress ! when he thinks himself self-sufficient [96:6, 7]. he also said:truly, hunger is a secret among the secrets of god, exalted is he, on earth, which he does not entrust to anyone who will disseminate it.his words, exalted is he: