
The Distressor, The Harmer, The Afflictor


The Correcter, The Balancer, The Distresser, The Afflicter, The Punisher.

Allah is Ad-Daarr, The One who harms or benefits whoever he wills. He is the one whose wisdom may choose to use forceful corrections to discourage wrongful behavior.

Mentions From The Quran & Hadith

From the root d-r-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to have an opinion that is opposing to apply forceful correction to do an act that is disliked making inconvenient, annoy, distress to cause adversity, afflict to harm, injure, and hurt.

And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. And if He touches you with good – then He is over all things competent. (Quran 6:17)

Say, “Shall we invoke instead of Allah that which neither benefits us nor harms us and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us? [We would then be] like one whom the devils enticed [to wander] upon the earth confused, [while] he has companions inviting him to guidance, [calling], ‘Come to us.’ ” Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance;
and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds. (Quran 6:71)

Ad-Darr (The Afflicter) Details



Ad-Darr in Arabic


Arabic root

(ض ر ر)

Ad-Darr meaning in English

The one who harms, The distresser, The afflicter

Ad-Darr meaning in Urdu

ضرر پہنچانے والا

Appearance in the Quran



Reciting Ad-Darr will help in decision making and it will clear the reciter’s head among right and wrong.

Asma ul Husna with a similar meaning           

  • Al-Muntaqqim (The Avenger)

Ad-Darr Definition & Meaning

Allah, who is the most merciful and the most forgiving, has another name, ‘Ad-Darr.’ This name with the meaning of ‘The causer of harm or the afflicter’ might seem a little paradoxical but holds deeper significance. The Lord of the world is just; He is the ultimate provider of everything, whether it is a blessing or a curse. This name signifies His glory as the true master.

It is a connotation that Allah keeps the balance; no wrongdoing goes unnoticed. Similarly, it is a symbol of hope to His believers that every harm is directed from Allah; there is always a hidden blessing that the human mind may not perceive. The attribute of Ad-Darr reflects His ability to cause harm, often as a means of testing our faith, correcting our behavior, or preventing greater harm.

Mentions from Hadith and Quran

The name ad-darr is not specifically used in the Quran or Hadith. However, in many ways, this attribute of the Afflicter has been mentioned:

“And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger and loss of property and lives and fruits, and give good news to the patient,” (Surah Al-Baqra: 155). This verse explains that no hardship is a punishment from Allah rather it is a test from Ad-darr to check who is righteous and patient.

In the 78th verse of Surah An-Nisa, Allah explains that misfortunes and blessings are both sent by Him. There is no distresser or beneficent other than our Rab. “Wherever you are, death will overtake you, though you are in lofty towers, and if a benefit comes to them, they say: This is from Allah; and if a misfortune befalls them, they say: This is from you. Say: All is from Allah.”

Narrated Abu Bakr As-Siddiq:

"I was with the Prophet (ﷺ) when this Ayah was revealed to him: Whoever works evil will have the recompense of it (4:123). So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'O Abu Bakr! Shall I recite to you an Ayah revealed to me?' I said: 'Of course O Messenger of Allah!' So he recited it to me, and I do not know except that I found it as a fatal blow, but I repressed it. So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'What is bothering you O Abu Bakr?' I said: 'O Messenger of Allah! May my father and my mother be your ransom! Which of us has not done evil - and yet we shall be recompensed for what we have done?' So the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'As for you O Abu Bakr, and the believers, they will be recompensed for that in the world until they meet Allah and they have no sins. As for the others, then that will be collected for them until they are recompensed for it on the Day of Judgement.'" (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3039)

In the light of these hadith and Quranic verses, it is explained that every harm is from Allah; sometimes, it is a recompensation for a bad deed, and sometimes, it is a trial.

Significance of Ad-Darr

The attribute of Allah as Ad-Darr is often considered as the antonym of His name Al-naafi, which means ‘Bringer of good.’ However, this name holds immense depth and knowledge. Allah is the only source that can bring harm, but peace is alongside it. It is a reminder for believers that when a piece of bad news reaches them or they’re struck with a stroke of bad luck, they should always remember that Allah brought this. So, if Allah is the distresser, then ask Him to remove the calamity too. This name firms the belief of His servants that no matter what situation they’re in, only Allah can help them.

Ad-Darr - Tasbeeh and Dhikar

When it comes to tasbeeh and dhikr of Allah’s name, Ad-Darr, there is no limitation to the recitation. However, as per many scholars, such names should not be mentioned alone but rather in conjunction with other names, such as Al-Naafi. So, whenever anyone decides to recite Ad-darr, he should recite it as ‘Ad-darr, Al-Naafi.’ This conjunction of name beautifully translates to ‘The bringer of harm and the bringer of benefit.’

Ad-Darr - Naming Children

There is no proper evidence that mentions Allah’s name as ‘Ad-Darr.’ There is one hadith that specifies the names of Allah in al-Tirmidhi, but it is considered a weak hadith. Due to this reason and the fact that the meaning of Ad-Darr glorifies the omnipotence of our Lord as the power who calls upon harm, this name hasn’t been seen to be used as the name of children.

Names of Allah with the Same Meaning as Ad-Darr

Allah has 99 beautiful names, out of which only a few mention His attributes as the inflictor of harm. He is glorified and exalted; all the praises in the world are for Him alone. Certain names that match Ad-Darr are as follows:

  • Al-Muntaqim, meaning ‘The avenger, the retaliator, the one who punishes people who deviate from His path.

More Mentions from Hadith & Quran About Ad-Darr

Let’s explore some more hadith and Quranic references where Allah’s attribute as Ad-darr has been referred to.

“We test you with harm and with good – a trial, and to Us only you have to return.” (21:35)

This verse highlights that Allah is responsible for the harm and good; it also explains that any harm that comes from the Lord is a trail to see who stays steadfast.

In Surah Al-Anaam, Allah explicitly says, “And if Allah afflicts you with some misfortune, then there is none who can remove it, except Him; and if He sends you some good fortune, then (know that) He is able to do all things.” This explains the sovereignty of Allah and His ability to do it all.

In hadith, the messenger of Allah tells about the supplication of staying safe from any harm. Aban bin `Uthman said:

"I heard `Uthman bin `Affan (ra) saying: 'The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "There is no worshiper who says, in the morning of every day, and the evening of every night: 'In the Name of Allah, who with His Name, nothing in the earth or the heavens can cause harm, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing (Bismillāh, alladhi lā yaḍurru ma`a ismihi shai'un fil-arḍi wa lā fis-samā', wa huwas-Samī`ul `Alīm)' – three times, (except that) nothing shall harm him." (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3388)

This supplication acknowledges that only Allah can bring harm and keep you safe from it too. It strengthens the belief of believers.

Similarly, in Surah Az-Zumar, the distresser says, “And if you ask them, “Who has created the heavens and the earth?”, they will surely say, “Allah”; say, “What is your opinion regarding those whom you worship other than Allah – if Allah wills to cause me some hardship, so will they avert the hardship sent by Him? Or if He wills to have mercy upon me, so will they restrain His mercy?” Proclaim, “Allah is Sufficient for me; the people who trust must rely only upon Him.” (39:38)

These Quranic verses and hadith explain deeply Allah’s attribute as being the inflictor of harm and the distresser. He brings harm and He holds the power to avert it as well.