Verse. 3605

٣٣ - ٱلْأَحْزَاب

33 - Al-Ahzab

اِنَّا عَرَضْنَا الْاَمَانَۃَ عَلَي السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْاَرْضِ وَالْجِبَالِ فَاَبَيْنَ اَنْ يَّحْمِلْنَہَا وَاَشْفَقْنَ مِنْہَا وَ حَمَلَہَا الْاِنْسَانُ۝۰ۭ اِنَّہٗ كَانَ ظَلُوْمًا جَہُوْلًا۝۷۲ۙ
Inna AAaradna alamanata AAala alssamawati waalardi waaljibali faabayna an yahmilnaha waashfaqna minha wahamalaha alinsanu innahu kana thalooman jahoolan


Ahmed Ali

We had offered the Trust (of divine responsibilities) to the heavens, the earth, the mountains, but they refrained from bearing the burden and were frightened of it; but man took it on himself. He is a faithless ignoramus.



'Abdullāh Ibn 'Abbās / Muḥammad al-Fīrūzabādī

تفسير : (lo! we offered the trust) obedience and worship (unto the heavens) unto the inhabitants of the heavens (and the earth and the hills) by way of choice and selection, (but they shrank from bearing it) through reward and punishment (and were afraid of it) and were afraid of bearing it. (and man assumed it) adam assumed it, accepting both the possibility of reward and punishment. (lo! he hath proved a tyrant) by assuming its bearing; it is also said that this means: he has proved a tyrant by eating from the tree (and a fool) and ignorant of its consequence.

Jalāl al-Dīn al-Maḥallī

تفسير : indeed we offered the trust — [the obligation to] prayer and other matters which, when performed, result in reward and when neglected, result in punishment — to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and created in them the power of comprehension and speech [at the time of that offer], but they refused to bear it and were apprehensive of it; but man, adam, undertook it, when it was offered to him. truly he is a wrongdoer, to his own soul because of what he undertook, ignorant, of [the responsibility that comes with] it —