Islamic Terms

Islamic Terms is a specially curated section by Muslim and Quran of a comprehensive glossary with detailed definitions of terms frequently used in Islamic practice. Each Islamic term is carefully explained using easy vocabulary and authentic references to help you understand its meaning, usage, and significance in Islam. When following and practising Islam, it is important to grasp the depth of each phrase so that you fully utilize its effect in your practice. Seeking knowledge is the first commandment given to the Prophet Muhammad; “اِقْرَاْ” [READ] (Surah ‘Alaq 96). We at Muslim and Quran are dedicated to facilitating you as you seek your knowledge, whether for personal interest, religious practice, or academic studies.

Our goal is to serve as a complete resource for terminology frequently used in Islamic practice, tradition, or literature and demystify their meaning. They are explained with reference to authentic resources, making them accessible to scholars, students, and even general readers. These various terms are primarily from the Quran and Sunnah but also include key concepts (used in explanatory texts), historical figures, rituals, and theological terms (used in jurisprudence). Each of these terms is distinctly written in both Arabic and English transliteration as well as translation to make them easy to find in your search. 

The glossary of Islamic terms is a convenient resource for everyone, from Muslims to non-Muslims. With its accessible content, these explanations can be leveraged by students and scholars of Islamic studies. It is also a useful resource for non-academic curious readers seeking a deeper comprehensive understanding of the common terms and phrases used by Muslims. You will find clear and concise definitions with the necessary information that accurately describe the context and usage of each term. This way, you can grasp the essential understanding without any other confusing excess information. We are committed to providing you with an easily accessible archive of essential information that will equip you to learn and practice Islam confidently. These thorough definitions with authentic references

To use this glossary, simply access the section Islamic Terms from our website homepage and click it. You will be transferred to an extensive and growing list of frequently used terms and phrases in Islam. 

Muslim and Quran → Islamic Terms → (Any term of your choice, e.g. Insha Allah)

These terms are sorted alphabetically and can be easily scrolled or searched on our website and mobile application. You can easily explore from this list any of the popular phrases you have heard among Muslims or even learn about prominent key concepts in Islam. You can access this glossary at any time and anywhere to increase or revise your knowledge of Islam and its practices. You can reference it to gain a better comprehension of Islamic literature and inform others with a much better clarity over the discourse. Knowledge is the most powerful asset that a Muslim can harness in a world full of deviating information. It is the first commandment of the Quran, from the very first revelation from Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى) through Angel Jibrael to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).

اِقْرَاْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِيْ خَلَقَ۝۱ۚ

“READ IN THE name of your Lord who created, [96:1]”

Seeking knowledge and learning is a responsibility incumbent upon every believing Muslim. If you are a Muslim, knowing the context and meaning behind each of your practices progresses your faith.

It was narrated from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim, and he who imparts knowledge to those who do not deserve it, is like one who puts a necklace of jewels, pearls, and gold around the neck of swines.” (Sunan Ibn Mājah 224, Grade: Sahih)

Concepts like Tawakkal are discussed regularly, and their actual practice encompasses even mundane habits. To fully implement the effect of such profound concepts, you can learn their magnitude in light of the Quran and Hadith through authentic and relevant references. You can also learn the literal meanings of common phrases used in daily interactions by Muslims, such as InshaAllah and Masha’Allah. Mindfully proclaiming these blessed phrases will help you adopt a habit of remembering and reminding the One who blesses. With the help of authentic hadiths, you can assimilate these Sunnah habits into your own life as well.

We encourage you to explore the extent of each Islamic Term with our extensive glossary. Learning the context will effectively enrich your knowledge of practical aspects of the Islamic faith along with its history and culture. You will find yourself opening up to a larger framework within the Deen, with each term rooting a deeper foundation for your faith to strongly rely on. You will gain eye-opening insights into Islamic principles and practices that will empower you to practically adopt them.

Learn Islamic Terms with Muslim and Quran

Come explore more with Muslim and Quran! Other related sections and features on our website to broaden your understanding of Islam. You will find the sections on Tasbihat (Dhikr), Duas (supplications), and 99 names of Allah especially enriching. With our suggested practical usages, you will be able to pull these resources together to enhance your practice of Islam! We value your feedback and engagement. We encourage you to provide constructive feedback so we can improve our services. Ask us questions through our email or suggest additional Islamic terms that you would like to see included in our growing list. Contact us at [email protected] with your valuable suggestions and feedback! Your worthwhile input enables us to improve and develop this resource as more comprehensive and useful for users from all walks of life.