
Jahannam is an Arabic word (جهنم). It is one of the most used Islamic terms. The translation of Jahannam is "Hell." From an Islamic perspective, Jahannam is the place created by Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى to punish non-believers and wrongdoers or evildoers. Jahannam is characterized as the worst place that is kept hotter than the sun by an eternal fire. Jahannam is mentioned in many verses of the Quran in various contexts, with different names, which are in fact, its seven levels or gates. The term Jahannam is used for the first or upper-most level of the Hell. Other names or gates of Jahannam, as mentioned in the Quran are, Ladah, Saqar, Hutama, Jaheem, Saeer, and Hawwiyah, the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh levels, respectively. The severity of the punishment increases with each level, from first to seventh, Hawwiyah being the worst and lowest part of the Jahannam, where evildoers will be sent in their life hereafter.

About Jahannam - Meaning, Pronunciation & Uses







Pronunciation Guide for Jahannam

Although Jahannam is an Arabic word, it is so commonly used in the Islamic world that most non-Arabic people can recite this term easily. However, being an Islamic term, it is very important to pronounce it correctly. Here are some useful guidelines, which may help you read and pronounce this important Islamic term, correctly.

  • Phonetic spellings of Jahannam are ja-han-nam.
  • The first part of the term is ja, which should be pronounced without an emphasis on 'a'. It should not recited as 'jaa".
  • The second part, 'han,' is a straight word, with little pause, 'n.' It has to be linked with the next phase of the term.
  • The third and last part of the term Jahannam, is 'nam'. The 'n' here is in continuation of the second part of the term 'han,' thus giving stress on 'n'.

So, the correct pronunciation of Jahannam is ja-han-nam. The audio link given below may help you to correctly pronounce the term Jahannam.

Tips for Pronunciation

  • Emphasis: The primary emphasis is on the middle and last part of the term "han-nam."
  • Flow: Maintain a smooth flow while reciting the term jahannam. Avoid pauses in between. Recite it as one complete word, with little stress on 'n.'
  • Practice: Jahannam is a quite frequently used term. For those who feel it is difficult to pronounce, it is advisable to keep practicing. Start slowly, while maintaining the flow. Recite it several times a day, till the time you get hold of it. Once perfected, the pace can be increased to match your regular conversation.

Understanding Jahannam - Context and Usage

The term Jahannam is one of the most frequently used phrases throughout the Islamic world. It is mostly used in the prayers and supplications. The word fire (Arabic: Naar, نار) is closely associated with Jahannam and often used as an alternative to Jahannam, in different supplications such as:

 رَبَّنَاۗ اٰتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَۃً وَّفِي الْاٰخِرَۃِ حَسَـنَۃً وَّقِنَا النَّارِ عَذَابَ

Translation: Give us of good in the world, O Lord, and give us of good in the life to come, and suffer us not to suffer the torment of Hell. It is considered the best of the best supplications for protection from Jahannam.

The term jahannam is also frequently used as a comparison with paradise. While paradise is characterized by a comfortable, peaceful, and happy life, Jahannam is known for its harshness on the non-believers, where they will have to face the harshest of conditions which they will feel spiritually, physically, and psychologically. It is a most common practice in the Muslim world to seek protection from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى from the Jahannam.

Significance of Jahannam in Light of the Quran and Hadith

Qur'anic References

The term Jahannam appears multiple times in the Quran in different contexts. It is mentioned in the Quran with the names associated with its seven levels or gates. The word fire appears 125 times in the Quran, whereas Jahannam is mentioned 77 times, and Jaheem 26 times.

Some of the Quranic verses related to Jahannam are narrated below.

43rd verse of Surah Hijr

Translation - For whom the ordained place is surely Hell,

44th verse of Surah Hijr

Translation - Which has several gates, and each gate is marked for every section of them.

81st verse of Surah Tawbah

Translation - Those who were left behind rejoiced that they stayed at home against the wishes of God's Apostle, being averse to fighting in the way of God with their wealth and lives, and said: "Do not go in this heat." Tell them: "The heat of Hell is far more intense." If only they had cared to instruct themselves!

56th verse of Surah An-Nisa

Translation - And those who disbelieve Our revelations shall be cast into Hell; and when their skin is burnt up and singed, We shall give them a new coat that they may go on tasting the agony of punishment, for God is all-mighty and all-wise.

6th Verse of Surah At-Takathur – the phrase Jaheem appears here

Translation - You have indeed to behold Hell

10th verse of Surah Al-Ma'ada – another use of the term Jaheem for Jahannam

Translation - But those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations are the people of Hell.

15th Verse of Surah Al-Ma’arij – phrase Ladah is mentioned here

Translation - But never. It is pure white flame

Verses 4 – 9 of Surah Al-Humaza – Phrase Hutama appears here in detail.


  1. By no means. He will be thrown into Hutama.
  2. How will you comprehend what Hutama is?
  3. It is the fire kindled by God
  4. Which penetrates the hearts
  5. (And) vaults them over
  6. In extending columns.

6th verse of Surah At-Tahreem

Translation - O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from the fire whose fuel is men and rocks, over which are appointed angels stern and severe as wardens who never disobey what God commands them, and do what they are commanded;

Verses 8 to 11 of Surah Al-Qaria – Mention of Hawwiyah


  1. But he whose deeds are lighter in the balance
  2. Will have the Abyss for abode.
  3. How will you comprehend what that is?
  4. It is the scorching fire.

Hadith References

There are several Hadiths about Jahannam. Some of those are narrated here.

Hadith3265 of Sahi Al-Bukhari

Translation - Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Your (ordinary) fire is one of 70 parts of the (Hell) Fire." Someone asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) This (ordinary) fire would have been sufficient (to torture the unbelievers)," Allah's Apostle said, "The (Hell) Fire has 69 parts more than the ordinary (worldly) fire, each part is as hot as this (worldly) fire."

Hadith 2575 of Jami At-Tirmidhi

Translation - "While he was on the pulpit – the pulpit of Al-Basrah – `Utbah bin Ghazwain narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: "Indeed a giant rock can be thrown from the brink of Hell and it will continue to fall into it for seventy years without reaching the bottom of it.".He said: "`Umar used to say:'Increase in your remembrance of the Fire, for its heat is extreme, its bottom is distant, and its whips are of Iron.'"

213b Hadith of Sahi Al-Muslim

Translation - Verily the least suffering for the inhabitants of fire would be for him who would have two shoes and two laces of fire (on his feet), and with these would boil his brain as boils the cooking vessel, and he would think that he would not see anyone in a more grievous torment than him, whereas he would be in the least torment.

Learn About Jahannam with Muslim and Quran

The Islamic term Jahannam refers to a specific place where the evildoers and disbelievers will be sent on the Day of Judgment as a punishment for the sins committed by them in this world. It is characterized by a severe fire that is 70 times hotter as compared to an ordinary fire of this world. There are seven levels of Jahannam, which are also known as the seven gates of Jahannam. Jahannam is the name of the first and uppermost level, whereas the Hawwiyah is the name of the lowest level. Sinners will have to complete their punishment period in these levels of Jahannam, according to the nature of the sins done by them. We should always seek protection of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى from Jahannam.


Jahannam is a specially created place by Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى, where the disbelievers will be sent for ages as a punishment for their evildoings.

No, evildoer Muslims will also get the punishment and will be sent to Jahannam for a certain period based on their sins in this world.

Follow the teachings of Islam as conveyed through the Quran and Hadith. Avoid wrong deeds and keep the right path.

There are seven gates, which are often referred to as the seven levels of Jahannam. The evildoers will be thrown at the relevant level based on the nature of sins committed by them in this world.

Jahannam, Ladah, Saqar, Hutama, Jaheem, Saeer, and Hawwiyah.

As per a Hadith, the fire of Jahannam will be 70 times more severe as compared to an ordinary fire.

Wrongdoer Muslims will be sent to Jahannam for a certain period. After completing their punishment, they will be taken out of Jahannam.