Hizb 45 - Juz 23 (الحزب ٤٥ - جزء ٢٣)

٣٦ - يس

36 - Yaseen

وَمَاۗ اَنْزَلْنَا عَلٰي قَوْمِہٖ مِنْۢ بَعْدِہٖ مِنْ جُنْدٍ مِّنَ السَّمَاۗءِ وَمَا كُنَّا مُنْزِلِيْنَ۝۲۸
Wama anzalna AAala qawmihi min baAAdihi min jundin mina alssamai wama kunna munzileena


Ahmed Ali

We did not send down any army against his people from heaven, nor did We have to send one.


اِنْ كَانَتْ اِلَّا صَيْحَۃً وَّاحِدَۃً فَاِذَا ہُمْ خٰمِدُوْنَ۝۲۹
In kanat illa sayhatan wahidatan faitha hum khamidoona


Ahmed Ali

There was just one blast, and they were extinguished.


يٰحَسْرَۃً عَلَي الْعِبَادِ۝۰ۚؗ مَا يَاْتِيْہِمْ مِّنْ رَّسُوْلٍ اِلَّا كَانُوْا بِہٖ يَسْتَہْزِءُوْنَ۝۳۰
Ya hasratan AAala alAAibadi ma yateehim min rasoolin illa kanoo bihi yastahzioona


Ahmed Ali

Alas for men! No apostle ever came to them but they made fun of him.


اَلَمْ يَرَوْا كَمْ اَہْلَكْنَا قَبْلَہُمْ مِّنَ الْقُرُوْنِ اَنَّہُمْ اِلَيْہِمْ لَا يَرْجِعُوْنَ۝۳۱ۭ
Alam yaraw kam ahlakna qablahum mina alqurooni annahum ilayhim la yarjiAAoona


Ahmed Ali

Have they not seen how many generations have We destroyed before them who will not return again?


وَاِنْ كُلٌّ لَّمَّا جَمِيْعٌ لَّدَيْنَا مُحْـضَرُوْنَ۝۳۲ۧ
Wain kullun lamma jameeAAun ladayna muhdaroona


Ahmed Ali

They will all be brought together before Us.


وَاٰيَۃٌ لَّہُمُ الْاَرْضُ الْمَيْتَۃُ۝۰ۚۖ اَحْيَيْنٰہَا وَاَخْرَجْنَا مِنْہَا حَبًّا فَمِنْہُ يَاْكُلُوْنَ۝۳۳
Waayatun lahumu alardu almaytatu ahyaynaha waakhrajna minha habban faminhu yakuloona


Ahmed Ali

There is a sign in the dead earth for them which We quicken, and produce from it grain which they eat.


وَجَعَلْنَا فِيْہَا جَنّٰتٍ مِّنْ نَّخِيْلٍ وَّاَعْنَابٍ وَّفَجَّــرْنَا فِيْہَا مِنَ الْعُيُوْنِ۝۳۴ۙ
WajaAAalna feeha jannatin min nakheelin waaAAnabin wafajjarna feeha mina alAAuyooni


Ahmed Ali

We have laid out gardens of dates and grapes upon it, and made springs of water flow,


لِيَاْكُلُوْا مِنْ ثَمَرِہٖ۝۰ۙ وَمَا عَمِلَتْہُ اَيْدِيْہِمْ۝۰ۭ اَفَلَا يَشْكُرُوْنَ۝۳۵
Liyakuloo min thamarihi wama AAamilathu aydeehim afala yashkuroona


Ahmed Ali

So that they may eat of its fruit; yet it was not done by their hands. Then why do they not acknowledge thanks?


سُبْحٰنَ الَّذِيْ خَلَقَ الْاَزْوَاجَ كُلَّہَا مِمَّا تُنْۢبِتُ الْاَرْضُ وَمِنْ اَنْفُسِہِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُوْنَ۝۳۶
Subhana allathee khalaqa alazwaja kullaha mimma tunbitu alardu wamin anfusihim wamimma la yaAAlamoona


Ahmed Ali

All glory to Him who created pairs of everything that grows from the earth, and out of themselves, and other things they do not know.


وَاٰيَۃٌ لَّہُمُ الَّيْلُ۝۰ۚۖ نَسْلَخُ مِنْہُ النَّہَارَ فَاِذَا ہُمْ مُّظْلِمُوْنَ۝۳۷ۙ
Waayatun lahumu allaylu naslakhu minhu alnnahara faitha hum muthlimoona


Ahmed Ali

And there is a sign in the night for them. We strip off the day from it and they are left in darkness,