Prayer Times in Longueuil

Get the most accurate Longueuil, Quebec, Canada Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

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Location Time: 2025-02-23 12:11:07
Device Time: 2025-02-23 17:11:07
Latitude: 45.53121
Longitude: -73.51806


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Prayers Time Table

Shaban 1446 - Shaban 1446

February 2025
February Shaban Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Sat 02 05:51 07:16 12:08 14:37 17:00 18:24 00:08
02 Sun 03 05:50 07:15 12:08 14:38 17:01 18:26 00:08
03 Mon 04 05:49 07:14 12:08 14:39 17:03 18:27 00:08
04 Tue 05 05:48 07:12 12:08 14:40 17:04 18:28 00:08
05 Wed 06 05:47 07:11 12:08 14:41 17:06 18:29 00:08
06 Thu 07 05:46 07:10 12:08 14:42 17:07 18:31 00:08
07 Fri 08 05:45 07:08 12:08 14:44 17:09 18:32 00:08
08 Sat 09 05:44 07:07 12:08 14:45 17:10 18:33 00:09
09 Sun 10 05:42 07:06 12:08 14:46 17:11 18:35 00:09
10 Mon 11 05:41 07:04 12:08 14:47 17:13 18:36 00:09
11 Tue 12 05:40 07:03 12:08 14:48 17:14 18:37 00:09
12 Wed 13 05:39 07:01 12:08 14:49 17:16 18:39 00:09
13 Thu 14 05:37 07:00 12:08 14:51 17:17 18:40 00:09
14 Fri 15 05:36 06:58 12:08 14:52 17:19 18:41 00:09
15 Sat 16 05:35 06:57 12:08 14:53 17:20 18:43 00:09
16 Sun 17 05:33 06:55 12:08 14:54 17:22 18:44 00:09
17 Mon 18 05:32 06:54 12:08 14:55 17:23 18:45 00:08
18 Tue 19 05:30 06:52 12:08 14:56 17:25 18:47 00:08
19 Wed 20 05:29 06:51 12:08 14:57 17:26 18:48 00:08
20 Thu 21 05:27 06:49 12:08 14:58 17:27 18:49 00:08
21 Fri 22 05:26 06:47 12:08 14:59 17:29 18:51 00:08
22 Sat 23 05:24 06:46 12:08 15:00 17:30 18:52 00:08
23 Sun 24 05:23 06:44 12:07 15:02 17:32 18:53 00:08
24 Mon 25 05:21 06:42 12:07 15:03 17:33 18:55 00:08
25 Tue 26 05:19 06:41 12:07 15:04 17:34 18:56 00:08
26 Wed 27 05:18 06:39 12:07 15:05 17:36 18:57 00:07
27 Thu 28 05:16 06:37 12:07 15:06 17:37 18:59 00:07
28 Fri 29 05:14 06:35 12:07 15:07 17:39 19:00 00:07

Prayer Times in Longueuil, Quebec brings the latest prayer times in Longueuil, Quebec, to help the Muslims living or visiting the city offer their Salah in a timely manner. With the latest Longueuil prayer times, you can plan your day according to the salah timings without fearing missing or delaying your prayer. We also provide you with updated yearly and monthly Hijirah and Georgian calendars that have the estimated prayer times around the month and the entire year. Download the salat timetable on your device for easy access.

Longueuil is a city in the province of Quebec and is part of the Monteregie region. It was a suburban city until a railway line was built in 1880 to connect the city with the rest of the country. After the railway started operating from this place, Longueuil became an important city and industrial center in Canada. As more and more industries opened in Longueuil, people migrated to the city for better employment prospects. A large number of Muslims also migrated to Longueuil from different countries, including the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.

The total population of Longueuil is 230 thousand, and it has a multicultural community that includes immigrants from France, England, Italy, Lebanon, and Haiti. Most of these people are Christians, Muslims, and Jews, and a very small number belong to other religions. Longueuil is one of the safest cities in Canada, and it offers a friendly neighborhood. People are polite, kind, and helpful.

The city has many recreational spots for outdoor activities for families to enjoy together in open spaces. The famous places include Parc Michel-Chartrand, Mont-Saint-Bruno National Park for outdoor activities, Vieux-Longueuil, a heritage site, boutiques, and La Ronde, which is an amusement park that attracts tourists.

While the city is welcoming to foreigners, Muslims new to the city might still find it challenging to locate their places of worship. Here, we will introduce you to the popular mosques in Longueuil so you can offer your prayers and connect with the Muslim community of the city.

Popular Mosques in Longueuil, Quebec

Longueuil is home to a multicultural community that includes French, English, Italian, Lebanese, and Haitians. The popular religious groups are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and a few others. More than 2.5% of those living in Longueuil identify as Muslims, and they moved to Longueuil from the Middle East and other Arabic-speaking countries.

Due to the secular nature of the state, Muslims can build mosques for their worship needs. Here is a list of popular mosques in Longueuil:

1. Jamia Islamia

Jamia Islamia is a central mosque for the Muslim community living in Longueuil. It offers a place to offer your daily prayers five times a day, as well as Jumu’ah sermons and congregational prayers. Jamia Islamia also serves as an Islamic educational center that provides Quranic education to people of all ages. The official language in the mosque is English, making it understandable to everyone, even those who do not understand Arabic. They teach from the basic level, interpreting everything in English from Arabic, so those who do not understand Arabic face no hurdle in interpreting the Quranic meaning.

The mosque focuses on following the Quran and Sunnah to guide the community in developing a strong connection with the Almighty, understanding the Islamic teachings, and assuring the love for our beloved Prophet (S.A.W). 

The mosque is generally open during times of prayers on normal days, while during the holy month of Ramadan, it becomes active, and so do the people living around it. Hosting iftar and Taraweeh prayers for the community to come together and celebrate the holy month. Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha prayers are also offered in Jamia Islamia, making it easy for the entire neighborhood to offer the Sunnah prayers without having to go to far-off places.

Jamia Islamia can accommodate approximately 150 worshippers at once, which is a suitable space for Jummah prayers, Taraweeh, and Eid prayers. The space is also enough to host Islamic educational classes, helping students build strong relationships with their religion and community.

Jamia Islamia, Longueuil, Quebec - Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 5.42 AM
  • Dhuhr: 12.17 PM
  • Asr: 3.03 PM
  • Maghrib: 5.32 PM
  • Isha: 6.53 PM
  • Jumu’ah: 12.30 PM
  • Jumu’ah (2nd Prayer): 1.30 PM

*Prayer times as on February 22, 2024.

Jamia Islamia, Longueuil, Quebec - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men and women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Easily Available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: No
  • Denomination: Sunni

Jamia Islamia, Longueuil, Quebec - Contact Details:

2. Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil

Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil is a community center with a hall that serves as a mosque for the Muslim community to offer their daily 5 prayers. The Center is a non-profit and charitable organization working for Muslims living in Longueuil to help improve their quality of life. It is a place for the Muslim Community of Longueuil to worship, get Islamic education, participate in religious activities, and volunteer to help the community.

Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil has a Quranic school that provides Islamic education to the Muslim Youth of Longueuil and surrounding areas. Classes are held throughout the week to suit everyone who is interested in learning the Quran. To make the schedule suitable for all, weekend classes are held in the morning, while classes on weekdays are held in the evening.

The school offers courses focused on helping Muslims memorize the Quran and authentic Hadiths, the Basics of the Arabic language for beginners, and Islamic education, where students learn about Islamic morality and the Seerah of the Prophet (S.A.W). The main language is English to make it suitable for every background. With the increase in the Muslim population in Canada, particularly in the province of Quebec, Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil aims to build a strong foundation of Islamic knowledge and values in the community, especially among the youth of this Ummah.

Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil, Longueuil, Quebec - Prayer Times

  • Fajr: 5.25 AM
  • Dhuhr: 12.08 PM
  • Asr: 03:00 PM
  • Maghrib: 5.30 PM
  • Isha: 6.51 PM
  • Jumu’ah: 12.08 PM

*Prayer times as on February 22, 2024.

Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil, Longueuil, Quebec - Facilities

  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities not available for men and women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men and women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: No
  • Parking: Not easily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: No
  • Denomination: Sunni

Center Communautaire Musulman De Longueuil, Longueuil, Quebec - Contact Details







The Fajr prayer time in Longueuil, Quebec is 05:23 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in Longueuil, Quebec is 12:07 today.
The Asr prayer time in Longueuil, Quebec is 15:02 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in Longueuil, Quebec is 17:32 today.
The Isha prayer time in Longueuil, Quebec is 18:53 today.
The sunrise time in Longueuil, Quebec is 06:44 today.
The sunset time in Longueuil, Quebec is 17:32 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in Longueuil, Quebec. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

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