Al-Jinn (ٱلْجِنّ)

Surah Al-Jinn is the 72nd chapter of the Quran. It consists of 28 verses and 2 ruku. It is a Makki surah in the 29th juz (para) that tells the fascinating story of a group of Jinn who heard the recitation of the Quran and realized it to be the true message of Allah. This surah informs humans that jinns are real. They live in this world with humans, although most humans cannot perceive them. It is a wonderful message for humankind that the message of the Quran transcends the boundaries of humans and speaks to other creations, including the Jinn. The surah goes on to explain that all creations, whether human or Jinn, are subservient to Allah. They must believe in the oneness of Allah and follow His commandments to receive reward or punishment. 

Surah Al-Jinn declares the monotheism of Allah Azzawajal, clears misconceptions about the Jinn, affirms the authenticity of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as the messenger of Allah, and teaches the etiquettes of human-jinn interaction. Allah clearly states that Muslims should seek help and guidance only from Allah Azzawajal and refrain from using Jinn for worldly gains. 

٧٢ - ٱلْجِنّ

72 - Al-Jinn

قُلْ اُوْحِيَ اِلَيَّ اَنَّہُ اسْتَـمَعَ نَفَرٌ مِّنَ الْجِنِّ فَقَالُوْۗا اِنَّا سَمِعْنَا قُرْاٰنًا عَجَــبًا۝۱ۙ
Qul oohiya ilayya annahu istamaAAa nafarun mina aljinni faqaloo inna samiAAna quranan AAajaban


Ahmed Ali

SAY: "I HAVE been informed that a number of jinns had listened; then said: 'We have heard the wondrous Qur'an,


يَّہْدِيْۗ اِلَى الرُّشْدِ فَاٰمَنَّا بِہٖ۝۰ۭ وَلَنْ نُّشْرِكَ بِرَبِّنَاۗ اَحَدًا۝۲ۙ
Yahdee ila alrrushdi faamanna bihi walan nushrika birabbina ahadan


Ahmed Ali

Which guides to the right path; and we have come to believe in it, and will not associate any one with our Lord.


وَّاَنَّہٗ تَعٰلٰى جَدُّ رَبِّنَا مَا اتَّخَذَ صَاحِبَۃً وَّلَا وَلَدًا۝۳ۙ
Waannahu taAAala jaddu rabbina ma ittakhatha sahibatan wala waladan


Ahmed Ali

Exalted is the glory of our Lord; He has neither wife nor son.


وَّ اَنَّہٗ كَانَ يَقُوْلُ سَفِيْہُنَا عَلَي اللہِ شَطَطًا۝۴ۙ
Waannahu kana yaqoolu safeehuna AAala Allahi shatatan


Ahmed Ali

Certainly the foolish among us say preposterous things of God.


وَّاَنَّا ظَنَنَّاۗ اَنْ لَّنْ تَقُوْلَ الْاِنْسُ وَالْجِنُّ عَلَي اللہِ كَذِبًا۝۵ۙ
Waanna thananna an lan taqoola alinsu waaljinnu AAala Allahi kathiban


Ahmed Ali

We had in fact thought that men and jinns would never speak a lie about God,


وَّاَنَّہٗ كَانَ رِجَالٌ مِّنَ الْاِنْسِ يَعُوْذُوْنَ بِرِجَالٍ مِّنَ الْجِنِّ فَزَادُوْہُمْ رَہَقًا۝۶ۙ
Waannahu kana rijalun mina alinsi yaAAoothoona birijalin mina aljinni fazadoohum rahaqan


Ahmed Ali

But some men used to seek refuge with some jinns, and this increased their waywardness;


وَّاَنَّہُمْ ظَنُّوْا كَـمَا ظَنَنْتُمْ اَنْ لَّنْ يَّبْعَثَ اللہُ اَحَدًا۝۷ۙ
Waannahum thannoo kama thanantum an lan yabAAatha Allahu ahadan


Ahmed Ali

So they began to think, even as you do, that God would not resurrect any one.


وَّاَنَّا لَمَسْـنَا السَّمَاۗءَ فَوَجَدْنٰہَا مُلِئَتْ حَرَسًا شَدِيْدًا وَّشُہُبًا۝۸ۙ
Waanna lamasna alssamaa fawajadnaha muliat harasan shadeedan washuhuban


Ahmed Ali

We sought to pry into the secrets of the heavens, but found it full of fierce guards and shooting flames.


وَّاَنَّا كُنَّا نَقْعُدُ مِنْہَا مَقَاعِدَ لِلسَّمْعِ۝۰ۭ فَمَنْ يَّسْتَمِـــعِ الْاٰنَ يَجِدْ لَہٗ شِہَابًا رَّصَدًا۝۹ۙ
Waanna kunna naqAAudu minha maqaAAida lilssamAAi faman yastamiAAi alana yajid lahu shihaban rasadan


Ahmed Ali

We sat in observatories to listen; but any one who listened found a shooting star in wait for him.


وَّاَنَّا لَا نَدْرِيْۗ اَشَرٌّ اُرِيْدَ بِمَنْ فِي الْاَرْضِ اَمْ اَرَادَ بِہِمْ رَبُّہُمْ رَشَدًا۝۱۰ۙ
Waanna la nadree asharrun oreeda biman fee alardi am arada bihim rabbuhum rashadan


Ahmed Ali

We do not know if this means ill for the dwellers of the earth, or their Lord wishes guidance for them.


Themes and Subject Matter of Surah Al-Jinn (ٱلْجِنّ)

Surah Al-Jinn offers a glimpse into the unseen world of the Jinn and their connection to Islam. It reinforces core Islamic beliefs and serves as a reminder for both humans and Jinn of their responsibility to Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). 

Jinn Listening to the Quran

The surah confirms the existence of other creations hidden to humans, including the Jinn. It also confirms that Islam is the religion for all creation, not just humans. Allah’s message that all creations must accept and be subservient to only Allah is clear in the surah. The surah states that a company of Jinns heard the Prophet Muhammad reciting the Quran and believed it to eb the true message of Allah. They believed in it, and became Muslim. This highlights that the Quran is a source of guidance for not only humans but for the other creatures too. 

The initial verses talk about this. “Proclaim (O Mohammed (ﷺ), “I have received the divine revelation that some jinns attentively listened to my recitation, so they said, ‘We have heard a unique recital (recitation).’” (72:1)

The effect of eavesdropping on the Quran is described beautifully in this surah. In verses 2 and 3, the words of Jinn are explained as “That guides to the path of goodness, we have therefore accepted faith in it, and we shall never ascribe anyone as a partner to our Lord. ‘And that our Lord’s Majesty is Supreme – He has neither chosen a wife nor a child.”

Believers and Disbelievers Among Jinn

This surah portrays that Jinn aren’t only bad or evil as humans perceive. There are Jinn who believe in Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى), His messengers, His books, and the day of judgment. These are the righteous Jinns, and they do not pose harm to humankind. On the other hand, there are those among the Jinn who do not believe in the oneness of Allah and deny His message. These are nonbelievers and they can be dangerous for humankind. 

In verses 14 and 15, Allah describes the words of Jinn as “And that some among us are Muslims and some are unjust; and whoever has accepted Islam – it is they who have thought rightly. ‘And as for the unjust – they are the fuel of hell.”


Surah Jinn emphasizes that Islam is the only true religion and no one should be worshipped except Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى). He is the creator of not only humans but also of Jinn and He alone should be worshipped. There is grave punishment ready for disbelievers. 

In verses 20 and 23, Allah commands, Say (O Mohammed (ﷺ), “I worship only Allah, and I do not ascribe any partner to Him.” “I only convey the commands from Allah, and His messages; and whoever disobeys the commands of Allah and His Noble Messenger (ﷺ) – then indeed for him is the fire of hell, in which they will remain forever and ever.”

The Final Day or the Day of Judgment 

Surah Al-Jinn concludes with the message that there is no denying Allah’s promise of the Day of Resurrection. Every creature be it human or Jinn will be evaluated based on deeds they do. No one knows when will the final day arrive as it is a Divine secret and He chooses the amount of knowledge that He gives to His Messengers. The ending verses from 24 to 28 explain this in detail.

Virtues and Benefits of Surah Al-Jinn (ٱلْجِنّ)

Among the many virtues that Surah Al-Jinn provides the most notable one is its protection against the evil eye, black magic, and evil Jinn. Prophet combined verses from different surahs including surah Al-Jinn as a source of protection.

It was narrated from 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila that his father AbuLailasaid:

"I was sitting with the Prophet (ﷺ) when a Bedouin came to him and said: 'I have a brother who is sick.' He said: 'What is the matter with your brother?' He said: 'He suffers from a slight mental derangement.' He said: 'Go and bring him.' (So, he went) and brought him. He made him sit down in front of him and I heard him seeking refuge for him with Fatihatil-Kitab; four Verses from the beginning of Al-Baqarah, two Verses from its middle: 'And your Ilah(God) is One Ilah (God – Allah),' [2:163] and Ayat Al-Kursi; and three Verses from its end; a Verse from Al 'Imran, I think it was: 'Allah bears witness that La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He),' [3:18] a Verse from Al-A'raf: 'Indeed, your Lord is Allah,' [7:54] a Verse from Al-Mu'minun: 'And whoever invokes (orworships), besides Allah, any other ilah (god), of whom he has no proof,'[23:117] a Verse from Al-Jinn: 'And He, exalted is the Majesty of our Lord,'[72:3] ten Verses from the beginning of As-Saffat; three Verses from the end of Al-Hashr; (then) 'Say: He is Allah, (the) One,'[112:1] and Al-Mu'awwidhatain. Then the Bedouin stood up, healed, and there was nothing wrong with him." (Sunan Ibn Majah 3549)