Prayer Times in Bronx, New York

Get the most accurate The Bronx, New York, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Offering daily prayer (Salat) is one of the most vital and essential duties that have to be performed as well as fulfilled by all the Muslims worldwide. All your problems are going to be solved when you offer your prayers on the right salat time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings will always be on you.

Prayers Time in
The Bronx

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Location Time: 2024-12-21 08:19:30
Device Time:
Latitude: 40.84985
Longitude: -73.86641


Prayers Time

Prayer Convention Method Change
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Prayers Time Table

December Jumada Al Oula Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Qiyam
01 Sun 29 05:39 07:00 11:44 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:44
02 Mon 30 05:40 07:01 11:45 14:10 16:28 17:49 23:45
December Jumada Al Akhira
03 Tue 01 05:41 07:02 11:45 14:10 16:28 17:49 23:45
04 Wed 02 05:42 07:03 11:46 14:09 16:28 17:49 23:45
05 Thu 03 05:42 07:04 11:46 14:09 16:28 17:49 23:46
06 Fri 04 05:43 07:05 11:46 14:09 16:28 17:49 23:46
07 Sat 05 05:44 07:06 11:47 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:47
08 Sun 06 05:45 07:07 11:47 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:47
09 Mon 07 05:46 07:08 11:48 14:09 16:27 17:49 23:48
10 Tue 08 05:46 07:08 11:48 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:48
11 Wed 09 05:47 07:09 11:49 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:48
12 Thu 10 05:48 07:10 11:49 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:49
13 Fri 11 05:49 07:11 11:49 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:49
14 Sat 12 05:49 07:12 11:50 14:10 16:28 17:50 23:50
15 Sun 13 05:50 07:12 11:50 14:11 16:28 17:51 23:50
16 Mon 14 05:51 07:13 11:51 14:11 16:29 17:51 23:51
17 Tue 15 05:51 07:14 11:51 14:11 16:29 17:51 23:51
18 Wed 16 05:52 07:14 11:52 14:12 16:29 17:52 23:52
19 Thu 17 05:53 07:15 11:52 14:12 16:30 17:52 23:52
20 Fri 18 05:53 07:16 11:53 14:13 16:30 17:53 23:53
21 Sat 19 05:54 07:16 11:53 14:13 16:31 17:53 23:53
22 Sun 20 05:54 07:17 11:54 14:13 16:31 17:54 23:54
23 Mon 21 05:55 07:17 11:54 14:14 16:32 17:54 23:54
24 Tue 22 05:55 07:18 11:55 14:15 16:32 17:55 23:55
25 Wed 23 05:56 07:18 11:55 14:15 16:33 17:55 23:55
26 Thu 24 05:56 07:18 11:56 14:16 16:33 17:56 23:56
27 Fri 25 05:56 07:19 11:56 14:16 16:34 17:56 23:56
28 Sat 26 05:57 07:19 11:57 14:17 16:35 17:57 23:57
29 Sun 27 05:57 07:19 11:57 14:18 16:36 17:58 23:57
30 Mon 28 05:57 07:19 11:58 14:18 16:36 17:58 23:58
31 Tue 29 05:57 07:20 11:58 14:19 16:37 17:59 23:58
You can print the Islamic Calendar 2024 and namaz timetable of prayer times in The Bronx, New York, United States for the whole year. The Prayer Timings schedule of The Bronx, New York, United States is updated automatically, so you can always find the most authentic and accurate prayer timings and Ramadan Calendar 2024 for the month of Ramadan The Bronx, New York, United States. You can also download the Muslim and Quran app for prayer timings to view all namaz times anywhere, anytime. The Muslim and Quran app also gives you a chance to log your PrayerBook and notifies you to view your prayer history with ease all the time.

Prayer Times today in The Bronx, New York, United States are Fajar Prayer Time 05:54, Dhuhr Prayer Time 11:53, Asar Prayer Time 14:13, Maghrib Prayer Time 16:31 & Isha Prayer Time 17:53. Get the most accurate The Bronx, New York, United States Azan and Namaz times with both weekly Salat timings and monthly Salah timetable.

Popular Mosques in Bronx, New York


Mosques are full at prayer times in Bronx, New York because New York City has a sizeable Muslim population across the five boroughs. It is home to 9% of the 22% Muslim population in the USA. The Bronx is home to a diverse community of 1.5 million Muslims who come together to worship at a variety of mosques.


From historic landmarks to modern architectural gems, these mosques serve as places of worship and as centers of community life. In this guide, we'll look at some of the most popular mosques in and around the Bronx, their history, and what makes them unique. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you can use this list to find a mosque to offer your daily prayers.  


1. Bronx Muslim Center 


The Bronx Muslim Center is a community center and a masjid (mosque) that holds daily, Friday, and special Islamic congregational prayers. The mosque's main prayer hall has a capacity of around 175 worshippers. The Bronx Muslim Center is located in the heart of the borough and serves a large congregation of more than 600 Muslim men and women. The prayer hall is insufficient for all congregants to offer prayer at once; therefore, the BMC mosque holds two Jummah (Friday) prayers. Even then, some believers are forced to offer their salah in the hallways, stairs, and the sidewalk.


Given the need for a bigger prayer hall, the Bronx Muslim Center is seeking funds. They have raised about 60% of the funds, and you can find out more about how to donate here. In addition to being a masjid, the center also arranges events frequently, including fundraising events. They also have Tafsir events where the Quran is recited and explained by the Muallim of the mosque. The masjid is easily accessible from Rhinelander Avenue, White Plains, and Hunt Avenue roads. 


Bronx Muslim Center, Bronx New York - Prayer Times 


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm
  • Friday Sermon: 12:00 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 12:02 pm, 01:00 pm


Bronx Muslim Center Facilities


  • Wudu Facilities: Not available 
  • Restroom: Available for men only 
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes 
  • Parking: On-premises
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


Bronx Muslim Center Contact Details



2. Masjid Al-Huda 


Located on White Plains Road, Masjid Al-Huda is a spacious and welcoming mosque in the Bronx. The mosque is clean, the Imam's helpful, and it has a separate prayer area for women. Given the size of the Muslim population in the area, this mosque also has a large congregation. Although the main prayer hall can accommodate a few hundred believers at once, the mosque still holds two Jummah prayers every Friday to accommodate all worshipers. 


The masjid is open till about midnight, allowing Muslims to offer their Isha prayers and recite Quran or Dhikr after work. During Ramadan, the mosque is open till Fajr time; worshippers can perform late-night prayers at the mosque in the last ten days. Masjid Al-Huda welcomes non-Muslims and holds interfaith dialogue sessions often when new Muslims want to learn more about the faith. Overall, it is a very welcoming mosque and one that anyone can walk into and learn more about the faith. 


Masjid Al-Huda, Bronx New York - Prayer Times 


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 12:15 pm, 1:15 pm  


Masjid Al-Huda Facilities


  • Wudu Facilities: Available for men only 
  • Restroom: Available for men only
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Not readily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall is Wheelchair accessible only 
  • Denomination: Sunni


Masjid Al-Huda Contact Details


  • Website: Masjid Al-Huda 
  • Address/Location: 3979 White Plains Rd, Bronx, NY 10466, USA
  • Phone Number: (718) 653-6848
  • Google Maps:


3. North Bronx Islamic Center Inc. 


The North Bronx Islamic Center Inc. is located in the North Bronx Norwood neighborhood and serves nearby areas, including Bedford Park and Woodlawn. The center is easily accessible via New York public transportation and the local bus service.  Muslims from all parts of the world visit the mosque to attend prayers, but the mosque-goers are predominantly from Pakistan, African, Albanian, Arabian, Bangladeshi, and India. 


The mosque was started in the basement of a building by a few worshippers who needed a place to offer their daily prayers. Soon, the congregation grew bigger, and the management built a proper mosque in 2010. However, the mosque is still a small local mosque that holds daily congregational prayers but not the Jummah prayers. Moreover, the daily prayers five times are accompanied by Tafsir-e-Quran (explanation of the Quran) 


North Bronx Islamic Center Inc., Bronx, New York- Prayer Times 


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm


North Bronx Islamic Center Inc. Facilities


  • Wudu Facilities: Available for men only 
  • Restroom: Available for men 
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: No
  • Parking: Not easily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


North Bronx Islamic Center Contact Details


  • Website: North Bronx Islamic Center 
  • Address/Location: 3156 Perry Avenue, Basement, Bronx, New York 
  • Zip code: 10467
  • Phone Number: 718 515 3559
  • Social Media: Facebook 
  • Google Maps:


4. Islamic Cultural Center of the Bronx 


The Islamic Cultural Center of the Bronx was established in 1999 for Muslim immigrants from West Africa. The management procured a residential building and renovated it into a mosque to accommodate the growing number of Muslim worshippers in the neighborhood. Tragically, the building was consumed by a fire in 2009 and declared unsafe by the New York Fire department. The mosque is currently trying to raise funds to rebuild the mosque and has so far collected $800,000, but it still needs 2.2 million dollars. 


The mosque is operating from a temporary site until the new building is erected. Right now, it only offers daily congregational prayers, but Jummah prayers have been postponed indefinitely. The mosque arranges weekend Islamic school lessons for children and adults. On weekends there are also evening lectures on Islamic principles for adults. Other services include summer youth development programs, marriage counseling, adult literacy programs with ESL, memorial services for bereaved families, and Iftar for families during Ramadan.


Islamic Cultural Center of the Bronx, Bronx New York - Prayer Times 


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm


Islamic Cultural Center of the Bronx Facilities


  • Wudu Facilities: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes 
  • Parking: Not easily available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: The prayer hall is wheelchair accessible only
  • Denomination: Nondenominational


Islamic Cultural Center of the Bronx Contact Details



5. Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid


Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid is a small mosque located in the Bronx and is predominately attended by Bengali worshippers. The mosque was closed for Eid and Jumma prayers during COVID-19 but recently opened with guidelines. All worshipers must wear a mask and bring their prayer mats. For those who cannot stand during prayer, foldable chairs are available readily. Baitul Maamur has rave reviews on Google, and many locals regard the mosque as essential in bringing the Muslim community together. If you live nearby, Baitul Maamur is an excellent place to offer daily and Jummah prayers. 


Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid, Bronx New York - Prayer Times


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 1:30 pm  


Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid Facilities 


  • Wudu Facilities: Available for Men Only 
  • Restroom: Separate Facilities Available for Men & Women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: Not Easily Available
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not Wheelchair Accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid Contact Details


  • Website: Baitul Maamur Jame Masjid
  • Address/Location: 1511 Saint Peters Avenue, The Bronx, NY
  • Phone Number: (718) 450-7007
  • Google Maps:


6. The Bronx Islamic Society  


The Bronx Islamic Society is a beautiful white building with a golden dome. It is an active community center and mosque that seeks to engage the Muslim population living in the Bronx, especially children. It provides opportunities for young Muslims to engage in educational, learning, and play-through-learning opportunities to understand their deen and remain connected to it spiritually. In addition, it seeks to be an all-inclusive organization where Muslims can find the support and confidence, they need to live a life according to Islamic principles. 


The mosque holds daily congregational prayers, Jummah prayers, Quran classes, and short-term and long-term education activities for children and adults. The mosque is clean, follows the government's building regulations, and welcomes people of all ethnicities. The mosque updates prayer times in Bronx, New York, daily on the society's website. The Bronx Islamic Society is under renovation due to the increasing number of worshipers, especially for Jummah namaz. They have a link you can use to donate funds to the mosque for the upgrades. 


The Bronx Islamic Society, Bronx New York - Prayer Times 


  • Fajr: 5:58 am
  • Dhuhr: 12:01 pm
  • Asr: 2:26 pm
  • Maghrib: 4:44 pm
  • Isha: 6:05 pm
  • Friday Prayer: 1:00 pm, 1:15 pm  


The Bronx Islamic Society Facilities


  • Wudu Facilities: Available for men only 
  • Restroom: Separate facilities available for men & women
  • Separate Prayer Hall for Women: Yes
  • Parking: On-premises
  • Wheelchair Accessibility: Not wheelchair accessible 
  • Denomination: Sunni


The Bronx Islamic Society Contact Details





The Fajr prayer time in The Bronx, New York is 05:54 today.
The Dhuhr prayer time in The Bronx, New York is 11:53 today.
The Asr prayer time in The Bronx, New York is 14:13 today.
The Maghrib prayer time in The Bronx, New York is 16:31 today.
The Isha prayer time in The Bronx, New York is 17:53 today.
The sunrise time in The Bronx, New York is 07:16 today.
The sunset time in The Bronx, New York is 16:31 today.
Yes, you can subscribe to receive daily prayer notifications with the Muslim & Quran - Prayer Times mobile application in The Bronx, New York. Download the application on your Android or iPhone smartphone, select prayer timings, and enable prayer times notifications. The app allows you to choose your preferred prayer timing calculation method, either a high altitude calculation method or timings from the most authentic prayer times calculation authority in your region. Users also have the option to choose their preferred Fiqh and daylight savings to adjust the prayer times automatically. Users can also choose their own notification sound.
If you are following daylight saving time, the time of your daily prayers will have to be adjusted accordingly. The Muslim and Quran - Prayer Times mobile application allows users to enable daylight savings time. To enable the feature, select prayer timings, go to settings, select daylight savings, choose the daylight savings time applicable in your region (+1 hour, +30 minutes, - 30 minutes, -1 hour, etc), and receive auto-adjusted prayer times notification on your phone.

Prayer Times in Other Cities of United States